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  • Carbendazim (cas 10605-21-7) induces death in alveolar epithelial cells: A comparison between submerged and at the air-liquid interface cell culture

  • Add time:08/17/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    The fungicide Carbendazim (cas 10605-21-7) is widely used in agriculture and preservation of films and fibers. In mammals, it can promote germ cell mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and reproductive toxicity. However, few data about the effects of this toxicant upon the respiratory system are available. In this work, we evaluated Carbendazim toxicity upon A549 alveolar cells both in monolayer and upon air-liquid interface cell system. Monolayer cell exposed to non-cytotoxic concentrations of this fungicide showed cell arrest at G2/M phase, and did not show additional alterations. On the other hand, alveolar 3D reconstructed epithelial model (air-liquid interface cell system) was characterized and exposed to IC25 of Carbendazim using the Vitrocell® Cloud 12 chamber. Expression of Active Caspase-3, α-tubulin and ROS was significantly increased after such exposure. Mitochondrial activity was also reduced after exposed to Carbendazim. The obtained results indicate that besides the environmental and reproductive toxicity concerns regarding Carbendazim exposure, pulmonary toxicity must be considered for this fungicide. In addition, we observed that the way of exposure impacts considerably on the cell response for in vitro assessment of chemicals inhalation toxicity profile.

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    Prev:Three-dimensional nanoporous copper and reduced graphene oxide composites as enhanced sensing platform for electrochemical detection of Carbendazim (cas 10605-21-7)
    Next:Occurrence and overlooked sources of the biocide Carbendazim (cas 10605-21-7) in wastewater and surface water☆)

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