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Lubricating Grease

    Lubricating Grease
    Detailed information:
    A mixture of a mineral oil or oils with one or more soaps. The most common soaps are those of sodium, calcium, barium, aluminum, lead, lithium, potassium, and zinc. Oils thickened with residuum, petrolatum, or wax may be called greases. Some form of graphite may be added. Greases range in consistency from thin liquids to solid blocks, and in color from transparent to black. The specifications for a grease are determined by the speed, load, temperature, environment, and metals in the desired application. Texture of grease may be smooth, buttery, ropy or stringy, fibrous, spongy, or rubbery. The texture does not necessarily indicate the viscosity of the grease, but is related to the formulation and methods of manufacture.See Lubricating Oil.
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