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Plutonium General

Name:Plutonium Symbol:Pu
Type:Rare Earth, Actinides Atomic weight:244
Density @ 293 K:19.8 g/cm3 Atomic volume:12.32 cm3/mol

The plutonium isotope 238Pu was first produced in 1940 by Glenn Seaborg, Edwin McMillan, Joseph Kennedy, and Arthur Wahl by deuteron bombardment of the uranium isotope 238U. The metal was later found naturally in minute quantities in uranium ores. It is named after the planet Pluto.

Plutonium States

State (s, l, g): solid
Melting point:912.5 K (639.4 °C) Boiling point:3503 K (3230 °C)

Plutonium Energies

Specific heat capacity: 0.13 J g-1 K-1 Heat of atomization:352 kJ mol-1
Heat of fusion:2.840 kJ mol-1 Heat of vaporization :44.0 kJ mol-1
1st ionization energy:585 kJ mol-1 2nd ionization energy: kJ mol-1
3rd ionization energy: kJ mol-1 Electron affinity: kJ mol-1

Plutonium Oxidation & Electrons

Shells:2,8,18,32,24,8,2 Electron configuration:[Rn] 5f6 7s2
Minimum oxidation number:0 Maximum oxidation number:7
Min. common oxidation no.:0 Max. common oxidation no.:4
Electronegativity (Pauling Scale):1.3 Polarizability volume:24.5 Å3

Plutonium Appearance & Characteristics

Structure:fcc: face-centered cubic Color:silvery
Harmful effects:

Radioactive and toxic.


Plutonium is a silvery radioactive metal that tarnishes in air to give a yellow oxide coating. It has six allotropic forms, which vary widely in crystal structure and density. The metal is chemically reactive, forming compounds with the halogens, carbon, nitrogen, and silicon. If held, plutonium would be warm to the touch because of the energy given off in alpha decay, and a large piece of the metal could boil water.


Plutonium is used in nuclear bombs and nuclear reactors. Plutonium is also used to power artificial heart pacemakers and to power space probes.

Plutonium Reactions

Reaction with air:⇒ PuO Reaction with 6 M HCl:
Reaction with 15 M HNO3: passivated Reaction with 6 M NaOH:

Plutonium Compounds

Oxide(s):PuO, Pu2O3, PuO2 Chloride(s):PuCl2, PuCl3
Hydride(s):PuH2, PuH3

Plutonium Radius

Atomic radius:175 pm Ionic radius (1+ ion): pm
Ionic radius (2+ ion): pm Ionic radius (3+ ion):114 pm
Ionic radius (2- ion): pm Ionic radius (1- ion): pm

Plutonium Conductivity

Thermal conductivity:6.3 W m-1 K-1 Electrical conductivity: 0.7 x 106 S m-1

Plutonium Abundance & Isotopes

Abundance earth's crust:negligible
Abundance solar system:negligible
Cost, pure:$4000 per gram
Cost, bulk:$4000 per gram

Plutonium is found naturally in minute quantities in uranium ores. Commercially, it is produced in large quantities in nuclear reactors from 238U.


Plutonium has 17 whose half-lives are known, with mass numbers from 227 to 248. None are stable. Its longest lived isotopes are 244Pu, with a half-life of 80.8 million years and 242Pu with a half-life of 373,300 years.

Plutonium Other



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