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Technetium General

Name:Technetium Symbol:Tc
Type:Transition Metal Atomic weight:98.9062
Density @ 293 K:11.5 g/cm3 Atomic volume: 8.5 cm3/mol

Technetium was discovered by Carlo Perrier and Emilio Segrè in Italy in 1937. They found the technetium isotope 97Tc in a sample of molybdenum which had previously been bombarded with deuterium nuclei. Technetium was the first element to be produced synthetically. The element is named after the Greek word 'technètos', meaning artificial.

Technetium States

State (s, l, g): solid
Melting point:2433 K (2160 °C) Boiling point:4533 K (4260 °C)

Technetium Energies

Specific heat capacity:0.21 J g-1 K-1 Heat of atomization:661 kJ mol-1
Heat of fusion:24.0 kJ mol-1 Heat of vaporization :502 kJ mol-1
1st ionization energy: 702.4 kJ mol-1 2nd ionization energy:1472.4 kJ mol-1
3rd ionization energy:2850.2 kJ mol-1 Electron affinity:53 kJ mol-1

Technetium Oxidation & Electrons

Shells:2,8,18,14,1 Electron configuration:[Kr] 4d6 5s1
Minimum oxidation number:-3 Maximum oxidation number:7
Min. common oxidation no.:0 Max. common oxidation no.:7
Electronegativity (Pauling Scale):1.9 Polarizability volume:11.4 Å3

Technetium Appearance & Characteristics

Structure:hcp: hexagonal close packed Color:silvery gray
Harmful effects:

Technetium is harmful due to its radioactivity.


Technetium is an exceptionally rare, silvery-gray metal that tarnishes slowly in moist air. In powder form, it burns in oxygen to the heptoxide (Tc2O7). Technetium dissolves in nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid, but is not soluble in hydrochloric acid of any strength. Is an excellent superconductor at temperatures of 11 K and below. Technetium and promethium are notable among the light elements because they both have no stable isotopes.


99mTc, with a half-life of six hours, is used in radiotherapy. 95Tc, with a half-life of 61 days, is used as a radioactive tracer. 99Tc, has a very long half-life (2.11×105 years) and decays almost entirely by beta decay with no gamma rays. It is used as for equipment calibration. In small concentrations the pertechnetate ion (TcO 4-) can protect carbon steels and iron from corrosion. This use is limited to closed systems due to its radioactivity.

Technetium Reactions

Reaction with air:mild, w/ht, ⇒ Tc2O7 Reaction with 6 M HCl:none
Reaction with 15 M HNO3:mild, ⇒ HTcO4 (Pertechnetic acid) Reaction with 6 M NaOH:

Technetium Compounds

Oxide(s):TcO2, Tc2O7 Chloride(s):TcCl4, TcCl6

Technetium Radius

Atomic radius: 136 pm Ionic radius (1+ ion):pm
Ionic radius (2+ ion):pm Ionic radius (3+ ion):pm
Ionic radius (2- ion):pm Ionic radius (1- ion):pm

Technetium Conductivity

Thermal conductivity:50.6 W m-1 K-1 Electrical conductivity:0.1×106 S cm-1

Technetium Abundance & Isotopes

Abundance earth's crust: parts per million by weight, parts per million by moles
Abundance solar system:parts per billion by weight, part per billion by moles
Cost, pure:$ per 100g
Cost, bulk:$ per 100g

Technetium has found naturally found in minute quantities in uranium ore. The isotope 99Tc is produced from the waste products of uranium nuclear fuel. 99mTc is produced from irradiated 98Mo (technetium cow). The spectral signature of technetium has been detected in light from S-type red giant stars.


Technetium has 26 isotopes whose half-lives are known, with mass numbers from 88 to 113. None are stable. The most stable and most common isotope is 99Tc, with a half-life of 2.11×105 years.

Technetium Other



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