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FEMA 2501

Base Information Edit
  • Chemical Name:FEMA 2501
  • CAS No.:8023-91-4
  • Molecular Formula:
  • Molecular Weight:0.00000
  • Hs Code.:
  • Mol file:8023-91-4.mol
FEMA 2501


Suppliers and Price of FEMA 2501
Supply Marketing:Edit
Business phase:
The product has achieved commercial mass production*data from LookChem market partment
Manufacturers and distributors:
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  • Chemicals and raw materials
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  • price
Total 19 raw suppliers
Chemical Property of FEMA 2501 Edit
Chemical Property:
  • PSA:0.00000 
  • LogP:0.00000 

99% *data from raw suppliers

Safty Information:
  • Pictogram(s):  
  • Hazard Codes: 
MSDS Files:
  • Description Herbaceous, tall plant that grows in northern Persia (F galbaniflua) or in southern Persia (F. rubicaulia and F. ceratophylla). F. galbaniflua is widespread also in Turkey and Lebanon. The plant yields a resinous exudate, which is the part used, distinguished commercially in two types: Levant galbanum (soft) and Persian galbanum (hard). The resin has a characteristic, aromatic odor and a bitter, warm, acrid taste. It contains approximately 15 to 26% essential oil. Galbanum has a warm, resinous, somewhat spicy and balsamic odor.The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dried resinous gum. It is a pale-yellow to yellow liquid with a balsamic, somewhat spicy, characteristic odor. Its main constituents include myrcene, cadinene, d-α-pinene, β-pinene, and sesquiterpene alcohols.The resinoid once was prepared by hydrocarbon solvent extraction and subsequent evaporation of the solvent; today a high-boiling, odorless solvent is added prior to evaporation; this solvent is left in the finished commercial product. The solvent-free resinoid is a dark-amber, viscous liquid with a characteristic balsamic odor. It yields turbid solutions in alcohol.
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