sec-Butylmagnesium Chloride - Lithium Chloride (15% in Tetrahydrofuran, ca. 1.2mol/L) is a chemical with a specific purpose. Lookchem provides you with multiple data and supplier information of this chemical.
The CAS Registry Mumber 1032768-06-1 includes 10 digits separated into 3 groups by hyphens. The first part of the number,starting from the left, has 7 digits, 1,0,3,2,7,6 and 8 respectively; the second part has 2 digits, 0 and 6 respectively. Calculate Digit Verification of CAS Registry Number 1032768-06: (9*1)+(8*0)+(7*3)+(6*2)+(5*7)+(4*6)+(3*8)+(2*0)+(1*6)=131 131 % 10 = 1 So 1032768-06-1 is a valid CAS Registry Number.
1032768-06-1 Well-known Company Product Price
(Code)Product description
CAS number
TCI America
(B4643) sec-Butylmagnesium Chloride - Lithium Chloride (15% in Tetrahydrofuran, ca. 1.2mol/L)