18615-08-2Relevant articles and documents
A convenient method for [14C]Carbonylation reactions
Elmore, Charles S.,Dean, Dennis C.,Melillo, David G.
, p. 1135 - 1144 (2007/10/03)
A simple, efficient method for generation of 14CO from Ba14CO3 has been developed. Reduction of 14CO2 using LiBEt3H gave [14C]formate in good yield which was treated with conc. H2SO4 to effect dehydration to 14CO. Through direct attachment of a reaction vessel containing aryl substrate and Pd(0) catalyst, [14C]carbonylation reactions were performed without the use of a mercury transfer pump. [14C]Carbonylation reactions using 14CO generated in this manner have been shown to proceed in good yield with a variety of substrates.
Synthesis of optically pure (D-phenyl[3-14C]alanine
, p. 977 - 982 (2007/10/03)
Lithium aluminium hydride reduction of methyl [7-14C]benzoate gave [7-14C]benzyl alcohol which was transformed (HBr, H2SO4) to [7-14C]benzyl bromide. The latter was reacted with lithium N-(bis-methylt