855466-06-7 Usage
Chemical compound
2-amino-3-methylbenzothiazolium chloride
benzothiazolium salt containing an amino group and a methyl group
Common use
organic synthesis as a reagent for preparation of heterocyclic compounds
Additional properties
antimicrobial properties, studied for potential pharmaceutical applications
versatile chemical used in medicine, chemical research, and pharmaceuticals
Check Digit Verification of cas no
The CAS Registry Mumber 855466-06-7 includes 9 digits separated into 3 groups by hyphens. The first part of the number,starting from the left, has 6 digits, 8,5,5,4,6 and 6 respectively; the second part has 2 digits, 0 and 6 respectively.
Calculate Digit Verification of CAS Registry Number 855466-06:
197 % 10 = 7
So 855466-06-7 is a valid CAS Registry Number.