99464-25-2Relevant articles and documents
Zinc homologation-elimination reaction of α-sulfinyl carbanions as a new route to olefins
Abramovitch, Adi,Marek, Ilan
experimental part, p. 4924 - 4931 (2009/05/27)
α-Lithiosulfinyl carbanions react either intermolecularly, after transmetalation into an organocopper derivative in an SN2-type process, with zinc carbenoids, or intramolecularly by higher-order zincates through a tandem zinc homologation-β-elimination reaction into the corresponding alkenes. α,α- and α,β-Disubstituted alkenes can also be produced through these two methodologies. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2008.