Virginia Young Elementary 79.7 52%
WalkthroughDate: 4/21/2004
Category Detail Assessment Comments Recommended Corrective Action
Temp RH Co2
Health and Hygiene Education Establish an information and counseling The health component of the Tools for No corrective action recommended at this
program regarding smoking. Schools Program continues to be time.
developed by the IAQ Subcommittee.
Health and Hygiene Education Provide information about IAQ and health. The health component of the Tools for No corrective action recommended at this
Schools Program continues to be time.
developed by the IAQ Subcommittee.
Maintain Student Health Records Recognize indicators that health problems The health component of the Tools for No corrective action recommended at this
may be IAQ-related. Schools Program continues to be time.
developed by the IAQ Subcommittee.
120 76.3 57%
Temp RH Co2
General Classroom Information Room appears hot and humid upon Maintenance needs to inspect HVAC for
entry. proper operation.
General Classroom Information Unauthorized chemicals identified. Site to remove all unauthorized chemicals.
General Classroom Information Vent in storage closet and surrounding Custodial staff to clean and sanitize vent
ceiling tiles are dirty. and tiles.
123 76.3 58%
Temp RH Co2
General Classroom Information Vent in storage closet and surrounding Custodial staff to clean and sanitize vent
ceiling tiles are dirty. and tiles.
Friday, August 19, 2005 Category Detail Assessment Comments Recommended Corrective Action
150 74.5 50%
Temp RH Co2
General Cleanliness Confirm that the classroom is cleaned General cleanliness appeared No corrective action recommended at this
properly. adequate on date of assessment. time.
General Cleanliness Check for pests. There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
time of assessment. time.
Thermal Comfort General items to watch for. Temperature was within acceptable No corrective action recommended at this
range at time of assessment. time.
Ventilation Determine how your classroom is Ventilation is working properly. No corrective action recommended at this
ventilated. time.
153 76.8 54%
Temp RH Co2
General Cleanliness Check for pests. There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
time of assessment. time.
General Cleanliness Confirm that the classroom is cleaned Vent in storage closet is dirty. Custodial staff to clean vent.
Thermal Comfort Humidity level. The humidity was 54% at the time of No corrective action recommended at this
assessment. The desired humidity time.
level is below 60%.
Thermal Comfort General items to watch for. Dust and debris was observed on the Custodial staff should clean and sanitize the
air supply and return registers at the air supply and return registers in this
time of the assessment. Temperature classroom.
was within recommended range at
time of assessment.
I don't understand how this has anything to do with the air quality in the classroom. Nothing was asked about the level of dust that is
constantly present in my room. Also the air temperature. It is very warm in my room and it smells. Your questions did not address such
issues. I don't understand why your responses are needs help, etc. It is not a matter if I need help with it, it is a matter of presence in the
classroom. Plus, many of your questions are things that classroom teachers have no control over so your questions were unrespondable.
Temp RH Co2
General Cleanliness Clean spills promptly. There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
time of assessment. time.
Friday, August 19, 2005 Category Detail Assessment Comments Recommended Corrective Action
Temp RH Co2
Dust Control Purchase and maintain barrier floor mats Site to contact District Maintenance.
for all school entrances.
407 77.6 56%
Temp RH Co2
Ventilation Check for unexplained odors. There are birds in the room and an No corrective action recommended at this
herb garden. time.
Temp RH Co2
Ventilation Check for unexplained odors. Odor detected from new tile. No corrective action recommended at this
Temp RH Co2
General Cleanliness Check for pests. There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
time of assessment. time.
432 75.4 55%
Temp RH Co2
Friday, August 19, 2005 Category Detail Assessment Comments Recommended Corrective Action
Excess Moisture in Classrooms Check for leaks or signs of moisture from There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
plumbing or roofs. time of assessment. time.
General Classroom Information There were birds in the classroom. No corrective action recommended at this
General Cleanliness Confirm that the classroom is cleaned General cleanliness appeared No corrective action recommended at this
properly. adequate on date of assessment. time.
Local Exhaust Fans Confirm that fume hoods and local There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
exhaust fans are used whenever activities time of assessment. time.
that generate pollutants take place.
Local Exhaust Fans Confirm that fume hoods and local There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
exhaust fans function properly. time of assessment. time.
Thermal Comfort General items to watch for. Temperature was within acceptable No corrective action recommended at this
range at time of assessment. time.
Ventilation If you have mechanical ventilation, Air is flowing into the room from the air No corrective action recommended at this
confirm that air is flowing into the room supply vents. time.
from the air supply vent(s).
Ventilation Determine how your classroom is Ventilation is working properly. No corrective action recommended at this
ventilated. time.
Ventilation If you have mechanical ventilation, Return air grill is functioning properly. No corrective action recommended at this
confirm that air is flowing from the room time.
into the air return grille(s).
This survey does not make much sense to me. There are no questions asked; only statements are made. Does need help mean we would
need help to do what is told to do? Or, does it mean that the are in question is not up to standard and needs help. I think as a survey it is
written poorly.
501 73.4 49%
Temp RH Co2
General Classroom Information Exhaust fan is not operating properly. Maintenance to inspect and repair as
General Classroom Information Live plant and air freshener in room. Remove plant and air freshener.
504 74.5 55%
Temp RH Co2
Friday, August 19, 2005 Category Detail Assessment Comments Recommended Corrective Action
Excess Moisture in Classrooms Check for leaks or signs of moisture from Occupant reports there has not been No corrective action recommended at this
plumbing or roofs. any water intrusion problems since the time.
completion of the remediation project.
General Classroom Information Teacher is storing unsealed food Staff should be encouraged to store all food
items within classroom. This could items in sealable plastic containers.
lead to a pest problem.
General Classroom Information On the date of assessment, Location should remove unauthorized
unauthorized cleaning supplies were cleaning supplies from this classroom and
observed in this classroom. discourage the use of unauthorized
chemicals throughout the school.
Although the air quality in our school has been troublesome, we have had NO problems in our room. The air quality has always been fine.
505 71.3 47%
Temp RH Co2
Excess Moisture in Classrooms Check for leaks or signs of moisture from Occupant reports there were plumbing No corrective action recommended at this
plumbing or roofs. leaks in the past, but have been time.
General Classroom Information AHU (506) mold on coils. Maintenance to inspect and repair as
Ventilation Check for unexplained odors. Exhaust fan in restroom is not Maintenance to inspect and repair as
operating. Teacher indicated odor is appropriate.
more prevalent when it rains.
Have done experiments such as paper mache and planting seeds. Each project became moldy and had an odor. There should not have
been a problem in either project. But each one had to be thrown away.
508 72.2 53%
Temp RH Co2
Excess Moisture in Classrooms Check for leaks or signs of moisture from AHU (507) drain pan is not draining -- Maintenance to inspect and repair as
plumbing or roofs. standing water. appropriate.
General Cleanliness Check for pests. There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
time of assessment. time.
General Cleanliness Confirm that the classroom is cleaned Dust accumulation was observed on Custodial staff should thorougly clean all
properly. environmental surfaces. environmental surfaces within classroom.
Thermal Comfort General items to watch for. Temperature was within acceptable No corrective action recommended at this
range at time of assessment. time.
Friday, August 19, 2005 Category Detail Assessment Comments Recommended Corrective Action
Ventilation Check for unexplained odors. There were no problems observed at No corrective action recommended at this
time of assessment. time.
603 75.4 48%
Temp RH Co2
Excess Moisture Check for condensate (condensed water, Appears that there was a previous Maintenance to inspect and repair as
or "fog") on cold surfaces. pipe leak and there are residual appropriate.
Friday, August 19, 2005