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Silver Chloride

    Silver Chloride
    Detailed information:
    M Formula:AgCl
    White, granular powder; darkens on exposure to light, finally turning black. Exists in several modifications differing in behavior toward light and in their solubility in various solvents. D 5.56, mp 445C, bp 1550C. Soluble in ammonium hydroxide, concentrated sulfuric acid and sodium thiosulfate and potassium bromide solutions; very slightly soluble in water. Can be melted, cast, and fabricated like a metal.
    Silver nitrate solution is heated and hydrochloric acid or salt solution added. The whole is boiled, then filtered, all in the dark or under a ruby-red light.
    Method of Purification:
    Resolution in ammonium hydroxide and precipitation by hydrochloric acid.
    Technical; CP; single, pure crystals.
    As for silver.
    Photography, photometry and optics, batteries, photochromic glass, silver plating, production of pure silver, antiseptic. Single crystals are used for infrared absorption cells and lens elements, lab reagent.

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