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    Detailed information:
    Chemistry name:lac; garnet lac; gum lac; stick lac
    A natural resin secreted by the insect Laccifer lacca (Coccus lacca) and deposited on the twigs of trees in India. After collection, washing, and purification by melting and filtering, it is formed into thin sheets, that are later fragmented into flakes of orange shellac. This may be dewaxed and bleached to a transparent product. Soluble in alcohol; insoluble in water.
    (1) Orange: TN (impure), fine, superfine, heart, superior; (2) bleached and dewaxed (colorless).
    (Alcohol solution) Flammable, dangerous fire risk.
    Sealer coat under varnish; finish coat for floors, furniture, etc.; dielectric coatings, deKhotinsky cement.

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