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Tungstic Oxide

    Tungstic Oxide
    Detailed information:
    Chemistry name:tungstic acid anhydride; tungstic anhydride; tungsten trioxide; wolframic acid, anhydrous
    M Formula:WO3
    Canary-yellow, heavy powder, dark-orange when heated and regains original color on cooling. Mp 1473C, d 7.16. Insoluble in water, soluble in caustic alkalies, soluble with difficulty in acids. Noncombustible.
    Scheelite ore is treated with hydrochloric acid and the resulting product dissolved out with ammonia. The complex ammonium tungstate can then be ignited to tungstic oxide.
    Toxic material. TLV: 5 mg(W)/m3.
    To form metal by reduction, alloys, preparation of tungstates for X-ray screens, fireproofing fabrics, yellow pigment in ceramics.

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