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Journal Name
Tomasi, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2016, 33, 80D1;OeI:)10R..10J3.V9Sie/aCwl8mACrtoCicnl1e0,O3Jn0.l6inPBe.
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diazoimine from ring-chain isomerism 1 (Scheme 6). Insertion
of I into O-H bond of β-naphthol would afford the inserted
product III via the formation ylide II, along with the
regeneration of rhodium catalyst for the subsequent cycle.
Next, the formed insertion product III gets in to the Yb-
catalytic cycle. Tautomerization of enamide III would give
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intermediate V. Intramolecular cyclization in V from electron
rich ortho-position would form the cation VI. Formation of
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Scheme 6. Plausible mechanism.
In conclusion, we have successfully developed a cascade Rh(II)
and Yb(III) catalysis for the transannulation of N-sulfonyl-1,2,3-
triazoles with substituted β-naphthol. The reaction involves
the initial rhodium catalyzed insertion of azavinyl carbene into
O-H bond followed by ytterbium catalyzed annulative C-C bond
formation and concomitant aerial oxidation. The developed
methodology tolerates various functional groups and offers
access to diverse substituted naphthofurans in moderate to
good yield. In addition, this methodology was successfully
extended to the synthesis of benzofurans employing phenols.
O-H inserted product, potential intermediate of the
transformation was isolated to postulate the possible
mechanism. Furthermore, the synthetic utility of this method
was demonstrated through the synthesis of polyhetero
aromatic system.
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We thank DST-SERB, New Delhi, India (Project No.
EMR/2016/003677/OC) for funding this work. SK and MK
thanks DST-SERB for the NPDF fellowship.
Conflicts of interest
“There are no conflicts to declare”.
11 CCDC 1883925.
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
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