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Molybdenum General

Name:Molybdenum Symbol:Mo
Type:Transition Metal Atomic weight:95.94
Density @ 293 K: 10.2 g/cm3 Atomic volume:9.4 cm3/mol

Carl W. Scheele extracted molybdenum oxide from the mineral molybdenite (molybdena) in 1778. He concluded that the mineral contained a new element but did not isolate it. In 1781, Peter J. Hjelm isolated the metal by reducing the oxide with carbon. The element name comes from the Greek word 'molybdos', meaning lead.

Molybdenum States

State (s, l, g):solid
Melting point:2896 K (2623 °C) Boiling point:4913 K (4640 °C)

Molybdenum Energies

Specific heat capacity: 0.25 J g-1 K-1 Heat of atomization:659 kJ mol-1
Heat of fusion:32.0 kJ mol-1 Heat of vaporization :598 kJ mol-1
1st ionization energy:684.9 kJ mol-1 2nd ionization energy:1588.2 kJ mol-1
3rd ionization energy:2620.5 kJ mol-1 Electron affinity:72 kJ mol-1

Molybdenum Oxidation & Electrons

Shells:2,8,18,13,1 Electron configuration:[Kr] 4d5 5s1
Minimum oxidation number:-2 Maximum oxidation number:6
Min. common oxidation no.:0 Max. common oxidation no.:6
Electronegativity (Pauling Scale):2.16 Polarizability volume:12.8 Å3

Molybdenum Appearance & Characteristics

Structure:bcc: body-centered cubic Color:silvery-white
Hardness: 5.5 mohs
Harmful effects:

Molybdenum is toxic in all but small quantaties.


Molybdenum is a silvery-white, high-melting metal.

It does not react with oxygen or water at room temperature and it also resists corrosion at ordinary temperatures. 

Molybdenum is one of the five major refractory metals (metals with very high resistance to heat and wear). The other refactory metals are tungsten, tantalum, rhenium and niobium.

Molybdenum oxide (MoO3) is soluble in alkaline water, forming molybdate salts.


Molybdenum's strength and resistance to expanding or softening at high temperatures is particularly sought after in critical areas where high temperatures are common, such as in nuclear power plants and aircraft engines.

It is also used in the petroleum industry, to catalyze the removal of organic sulfur compounds in coal liquification and gas liquification processes.

Molybdenum is an essential trace element for animals and plants. As with selenium, too much of it is toxic, too little of it is fatal.

In nitrogen fixing bacteria, molybenum is a vital component of the nitrogenase enzyme which allows conversion of nitrogen gas in air into nitrates vital for plant growth.

Molybdenum is also present in 20 or so enzymes needed in animals' metabolisms.

Molybdenum Reactions

Reaction with air:w/ht, ⇒ MoO3 Reaction with 6 M HCl:none
Reaction with 15 M HNO3:none Reaction with 6 M NaOH:

Molybdenum Compounds

Oxide(s):MoO2, MoO3 Chloride(s):MoCl2, MoCl3 , MoCl4, MoCl5, MoCl6

Molybdenum Radius

Atomic radius:139 pm Ionic radius (1+ ion):pm
Ionic radius (2+ ion):pm Ionic radius (3+ ion):83 pm
Ionic radius (2- ion):pm Ionic radius (1- ion):pm

Molybdenum Conductivity

Thermal conductivity:138 W m-1 K-1 Electrical conductivity:17.3 x 106 S m-1

Molybdenum Abundance & Isotopes

Abundance earth's crust:1.2 parts per million by weight, 0.2 parts per million by moles
Abundance solar system:9 parts per billion by weight, 0.1 part per billion by moles
Cost, pure: $44 per 100g
Cost, bulk:$ per 100g

Molybdenum is not found free in nature. The main ore of molybdenum is molybdenite, (molybdenum disulfide, MoS2). It also occurs in wulfenite (lead molybdate) and powellite (calcium molybdate). Comercially, the metal is obtained by mining molybdenite directly and it is also recovered as a by-product of copper mining.


Molybdenum has 24 isotopes whose half-lives are known with mass numbers from 86 to 110. Of these, six are stable: 92Mo, 94Mo, 95Mo, 96Mo, 97Mo and 98Mo. The most naturally abundant is 98Mo at 24.1%.

Molybdenum Other



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