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Potassium Chloride

Base Information Edit
  • Chemical Name:Potassium Chloride
  • CAS No.:7447-40-7
  • Deprecated CAS:12599-00-7,126415-35-8,59217-68-4,79103-76-7,1037073-81-6,2018280-06-1,1037073-81-6,59217-68-4,79103-76-7
  • Molecular Formula:KCl
  • Molecular Weight:74.54
  • Hs Code.:3104.20
  • European Community (EC) Number:231-211-8,682-118-8
  • ICSC Number:1450
  • NSC Number:77368
  • UNII:660YQ98I10
  • DSSTox Substance ID:DTXSID5021178
  • Nikkaji Number:J3.740K
  • Wikipedia:Potassium chloride,Potassium_chloride
  • Wikidata:Q184630
  • NCI Thesaurus Code:C47679
  • RXCUI:8591
  • ChEMBL ID:CHEMBL1200731
  • Mol file:7447-40-7.mol
Potassium Chloride

Synonyms:Chloride, Potassium;Potassium Chloride;Slow-K

Suppliers and Price of Potassium Chloride
Supply Marketing:Edit
Business phase:
The product has achieved commercial mass production*data from LookChem market partment
Manufacturers and distributors:
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  • price
Total 543 raw suppliers
Chemical Property of Potassium Chloride Edit
Chemical Property:
  • Appearance/Colour:white crystalline solid 
  • Vapor Pressure:33900mmHg at 25°C 
  • Melting Point:770 °C 
  • Refractive Index:n20/D 1.334  
  • Boiling Point:1420 °C 
  • Flash Point:1500°C 
  • PSA:0.00000 
  • Density:1.984 g/cm3 
  • LogP:-2.99600 
  • Water Solubility.:340 g/L (20℃) 
  • Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
  • Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count:1
  • Rotatable Bond Count:0
  • Exact Mass:73.9325592
  • Heavy Atom Count:2
  • Complexity:2

99.8% *data from raw suppliers

Safty Information:
  • Pictogram(s): IrritantXi, CorrosiveC, Flammable
  • Hazard Codes: Xi:Irritant;
  • Statements: R36:; 
  • Safety Statements: S26:; S39:; 
MSDS Files:

SDS file from LookChem

Total 1 MSDS from other Authors

  • Chemical Classes:Metals -> Metals, Inorganic Compounds
  • Canonical SMILES:[Cl-].[K+]
  • Recent ClinicalTrials:Prevention of Severe Postpartum Hypertension
  • Recent EU Clinical Trials:Combined effects of potassium, nitrate and sodium on blood pressure in patients with hypertension
  • Inhalation Risk:Evaporation at 20 °C is negligible; a nuisance-causing concentration of airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly when dispersed, especially if powdered.
  • Effects of Short Term Exposure:The substance is irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion of large amounts could cause effects on the cardiovascular system. This may result in cardiac dysrhythmia.
  • Chemical Composition and Role Potassium chloride (KCl) is a metal chloride salt consisting of a K(+) counterion. It serves primarily as a fertilizer and is classified as a potassium salt, an inorganic chloride, and an inorganic potassium salt.
  • Importance in Fertilizers Potassium chloride is the most crucial potassium source, widely used in fertilizers. However, its production by electrolysis faces challenges such as back diffusion of potassium causing short-circuiting in cells and the formation of metal fog. Despite its similar salty taste to sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium chloride is characterized by relatively offensive acrid, metallic, and bitter side tastes.
  • Soil Improvement Potassium chloride is effective in reducing the plasticity and swelling of soil compared to fine slag. While fine slag enhances strength and maximum dry density more significantly than KCl added to soil, the efficiency of fine slag increases notably in the presence of a small quantity of KCl.
  • Food Applications Potassium chloride serves as a potential alternative to sodium chloride in food products, particularly in fish-based items. Research on partial sodium chloride replacement with potassium chloride, sodium lactate, and sodium citrate is gaining attention in food microbiology. Substituting NaCl with KCl and calcium ascorbate has been shown to reduce microbial contamination and improve the overall quality of bacon. Additionally, potassium chloride has been used in smoked salmon with demonstrated effects on sensory and microbiological properties.
  • Health Benefits Increasing potassium intake, often in the form of potassium chloride, has been shown in randomized trials to lower blood pressure significantly. Thus, potassium chloride has a notable blood pressure-lowering effect, contributing to its importance in promoting cardiovascular health.
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