873967-28-3Relevant articles and documents
Liquid-crystalline polymorphism of 4-heptyloxybenzylidene-4′- alkyloxyanilines and their phase equilibrium with 4-octyloxyphenyl 4-nitrobenzoate
Godzwon, Joanna,Sienkowska, Monika J.,Galewski, Zbigniew
, p. 75 - 82 (2012)
This paper describes the synthesis and liquid-crystalline properties of the homologous series of 4-heptyloxybenzylidene-4′-alkyloxyanilines (7-n). Six of them are presented for the first time. Based on the polarization microscopy (POM and TOA methods) and the calorimetric (DSC) measurements following polymorphism has been detected: nematic, smectic C and smectic I mesophases. The presence of these mesophases was confirmed by the miscibility method, using 4-octyloxyphenyl 4-nitrobenzoate and terephtal-bis (4-butyloaniline) as a mesophase references. Extraordinary results have been found in the mixtures of the investigated compounds with 4-octyloxyphenyl 4-nitrobenzoate; Induced smectic A has been observed, which is connected with very strong intermolecular interactions. Additionally destabilization of nematic and smectic C phases was visible.