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    Detailed information:
    M Formula:(Al2O3)
    Hard, crystalline solid. D 3.98, Mohs hardness 9.0, mp 2040C, dielectric strength 480 kV/cm, dielectric constant 9.0 (20C), coefficient of friction 0.05 micron, inert to strong acids and alkalies, excellent high-temperature stability. Can be sealed to glass. High transmission in infrared and ultraviolet.
    Available Forms:
    Rods, spheres, disks, whiskers, single crystals.
    Electron and microwave tubes, optical elements in radiation detectors, substrate for thin-film components and integrated circuits, abrasive, record needles, precision instrument bearings, aluminum composites, micromortars for hand-pulverizing chemicals.

    See Corundum.

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