Selected Paper
The Nickel(II)-Catalyzed Direct Benzylation, Allylation, Alkylation,
and Methylation of C-H Bonds in Aromatic Amides Containing
an 8-Aminoquinoline Moiety as the Directing Group
Yoshinori Aihara, Jendrik Wuelbern, and Naoto Chatani*
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871
Received: December 13, 2014; Accepted: January 5, 2015; Web Released: January 16, 2015
Direct alkylation via the cleavage of the ortho C-H bonds by a nickel-catalyzed reaction of aromatic amides
containing an 8-aminoquinoline moiety as the directing group with alkyl halides is reported. Various alkyl halides,
including benzyl, allyl, alkyl, and methyl halides (or pseudo halides) participate as electrophilic coupling partners. The
reaction shows a high functional group compatibility. The reaction proceeds in a highly regioselective manner at the less
hindered C-H bonds in the reaction of meta-substituted aromatic amides, irrespective of the electronic nature of the
substituent. The mechanism responsible for the C-H alkylation reaction is discussed based on the results obtained in a
variety of mechanistic experiments.
Transition-metal-catalyzed direct C-H bond functionaliza-
tion has emerged as a powerful method for the construction
of organic molecules, and numerous reports on the formation
of C-C bonds via C-H bond cleavage have been appeared,
especially direct arylation with aryl halides or aryl metal
reagents.1 Compared to arylation reactions, examples of the
direct alkylation of C-H bonds to afford alkylated arenes
remain limited, because of the resistance of alkyl halides
toward oxidative addition and the fact that the resulting alkyl
metal complexes are susceptible to β-hydride elimination.2
Conventional approaches to the synthesis of alkylated arenes
rely on Friedel-Crafts-type reactions or SEAr type reactions,
both of which have some limitations including i) a low func-
tional group tolerance, ii) low regioselectivities, and iii) the
formation of a mixture of normal and branched products.3
Numerous efforts have been made to address these limitations,
and transition-metal-catalyzed direct alkylation with alkyl
halides has emerged as an alternative method for the synthesis
alkylated arenes. Due to those efforts, direct alkylations using
alkyl halides as the alkylating reagent with Pd,4 Ru,5 Fe,6 and
Co7 catalysts have been developed over the past few years.
In 2013, our group also reported the first example of the
nickel(II)-catalyzed direct alkylation of ortho C-H bonds in
aromatic amides with primary alkyl halides,8 by taking advan-
tage of a bidentate directing group.1m After this paper appeared,
other groups have expanded the substrate scope and limitations,
such as the direct alkylation of C(sp3)-H bonds,9a alkylation
with secondary alkyl halides,9b and phosphates9c as alkylating
reagents by utilizing the same chelation system. In this
manuscript, we report the full details of the nickel(II)-catalyzed
direct benzylation, allylation, alkylation, and methylation of
C-H bonds in aromatic amides, and we also discuss the
mechanism for this reaction, based on competition reactions,
deuterium labeling experiments, detailed product distributions,
and radical clock experiments.
Results and Discussion
Our group has focused on the use of bidentate directing
groups, such as 2-pyridylmethylamine10 and 8-aminoquino-
line8,11 in a catalytic functionalization of C-H bonds. To
expand the utility of the present chelation system, we examined
the reaction of 1a with butyl bromide. Fortunately, the alkyl-
ation of C-H bonds with alkyl halides was successful, when an
8-aminoquinoline chelation system was used. When the amide
1a was reacted with butyl bromide under optimal conditions
for arylation reactions with phenyl iodide,11h no reaction took
place (Entry 1 in Table 1). However, the addition of PPh3
dramatically improved the product yield to 41% NMR yield,
along with 54% of unreacted 1a being recovered (Entry 3). The
product yield was significantly affected by the nature of the
base used (Entries 3-8). The use of PCy3 gave 2a in 26% NMR
yield (Entry 9). The use of 2 equivalents of butyl bromide
improved the product yield to an isolated yield of 88%
(Entry 12). Some Ni(II) complexes could also be used as cata-
lysts (Entries 13-15). Similar to the arylation of C-H bonds,11h
the Ni(0) complex was also found to show catalytic activity. In
all cases, the starting amide 1a was recovered when the product
yield of 2a was low. No by-products were detected in the
With the optimized reaction conditions in hand, we exam-
ined the scope of the substrate in the reaction. Table 2 shows
the results for reactions of various aromatic amides with butyl
bromide under the standard reaction conditions. A variety of
functional groups were found to be tolerated and, even the
© 2015 The Chemical Society of Japan