Chemistry - A European Journal
persistence of 1 at the end of catalysis. For example, catalytic
reactions using 1-d3 result in nearly quantitative restoration of the
pre-catalyst by 2H NMR spectroscopy upon complete conversion
of the substrates. Though it is a negative result, CD3H was not
observed in reactions using 1-d3 as a catalyst. Following
migratory insertion, activation of phosphine substrate by P–H
oxidative addition would give an iron(IV) intermediate that would
engage in α-phosphinidene elimination, though the order of steps
(PR transfer vs. H2 evolution is unknown). It is also possible that
a terminal iron phosphinidene derivative is formed. However, the
transfer reactions herein are inconsistent with the PR-transfer
reactivity of known terminal phosphinidene compounds,[26] though
that area is sorely under-investigated. It is unclear that trapping
with organic substrates need or need not involve interaction with
the metal. Thus, we favor elimination as a working hypothesis.
The observed dehydrocoupling products including those of P–H
insertion, P–P insertion, and condensation are consistent with
other α-elimination reactions.[3-4] Current evidence prevents more
than speculation at this point. Given the reactivity of :PPh,[17, 20]
the lack of apparent reaction with solvent suggests high
association with iron, consistent with theoretical analysis of α-
stannylene elimination.[27] Reductive elimination of H2 would close
the cycle and is also consistent with the observation of H2 in the
This work was supported by the U.S. National Science
Foundation (CHE-1265608 and CHE-1565658). We would also
like to thank Dr. Jaqueline Kiplinger (LANL) for providing
computational resources for preparing data and this manuscript.
Keywords: Phosphorus • Phosphinidene • Iron • Catalysis •
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dehydrocoupling and trapping reactions. Such
a cycle is
consistent with iron-based steps in Si–S coupling involving the
retention of 1 and H2 loss as proposed by Nakazawa.[28]
In conclusion, a rare example of what may catalytic α-
phosphinidene elimination mediated by the ubiquitous iron
complex 1 is reported. Phosphine dehydrocoupling reactions
provided initial insight into this interesting reaction type, and
catalytic trapping reactions were successful using 2,3-dimethyl-
1,3-butadiene, internal alkynes, and diethyldisulfide, which are
consistent with the reactivity expected for a putative triplet
phosphinidene. Deuterium labelling studies, product distributions,
and reaction studies further support the claim that this catalysis is
based largely on the α-elimination of a triplet phosphinidene.
Further work to expand the substrate scope of this reaction to a
broader set of reagents, and investigation of the phosphinidene
spin state are underway.
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supplementary information.
Scheme 5. Potential catalytic cycle for the liberation of phosphinidene
fragments by 1 based on prior examples of E–H activation by 1 and related
derivatives. The order of phosphinidene elimination versus H2 loss is not known
and may be reversed. Initial H2 loss may promote formation of an iron-
phosphinidene intermediate that available data can neither prove nor refute.
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