under the Cu(OTf)2-catalyzed benzannulation conditions,
although this side reaction was not observed for the substrate
diphenyl acetylene.[14] If present in our system, this side
reaction would induce defects along the polyphenylene
backbone. Fortunately, 4 forms little or no naphthyl ketone
side products (< 1%), as judged by the high yield of isolated
product 5, as well as by NMR and Fourier transform infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy (see the Supporting Information), and
thin-layer chromatography.
A comparison of the MALDI-TOF mass spectra of 4 and
5 also indicates the high efficiency of the reaction. After
benzannulation, a strong signal for the doubly benzannulated
product 5 is observed. The weak signal in the spectrum at
773.6 mass units corresponds to a fragmentation product of 5.
The only signals corresponding to benzannulation side
products are weaker: the naphthyl ketone at 990.6 mass
units and monoannulated product at 784.6 mass units. These
by-products were formed in trace amounts and were not
observed by other analytical methods. In summary, this model
study confirms the potential of this reaction for polymer
The p-terphenyl-alt-phenyl PPE 1 was obtained by
copolymerizing the appropriate terphenyl dialkyne monomer
and 1,4-diiodobenzene under Sonogashira cross-coupling
conditions. A substoichiometric amount of a monofunctional
aryl iodide, 4-iodoanisole, was used to control the molecular
weight and the identity of the end-group of the polymer.
Nevertheless, at molecular weights approaching 100 kDa, 1 is
insoluble in the reaction mixture and partially precipitates
during the polymerization. As a result, we obtained a bimodal
molecular-weight distribution (Mn = 7.85 kDa; PDI = 3.53;
Dp = 12) by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), consisting
of a main peak for polymers of low molecular weight with
a shoulder for polymers of high molecular weight (Figure 2).
making it an appropriate system in which to evaluate our
synthetic approach.
PPE 1 was benzannulated under similar conditions as the
model compound 5 (3 equiv of 2 per alkyne, 3 equiv
CF3CO2H, 0.05 equiv Cu(OTf)2), after which polyphenylene
3 was isolated by precipitation from CH2Cl2 into acetone,
followed by Soxhlet extraction using acetone as the liquid
phase. SEC analysis of the acetone-insoluble material showed
a monomodal distribution of chain sizes, the molecular weight
and polydispersity (Mn = 39.6 kDa, PDI = 1.65, Dp = 49) of
which correspond to the benzannulation of the higher-
molecular-weight portion of 1. Steric hindrance along the
polymer backbone prevents 3 from adopting a planar con-
formation and it is far more soluble in organic solvents than 1.
Despite its higher molecular weight, polyphenylene 3 is
retained longer by the SEC columns relative to its PPE
precursor 1, which we attribute to the polymer adopting
a more compact solvated structure as a consequence of its
steric demands (Figure 2). As a result, the polymer chains of 3
adopt smaller hydrodynamic volumes than random-coil
polymer chains of comparable molecular weight. This explan-
ation is consistent with recent findings that oligomeric o-
phenylenes adopt specific helical conformations as a conse-
quence of their crowded structure.[8,15]
According to a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation,
polyphenylene 3 adopts a compact structure in organic
solvent. MD provides an atomically explicit representation
of the dynamics of the system under the influence of inter-
and intramolecular forces. A 24-unit polymer chain of 3 was
simulated along with 11,740 1,2-dichlorobenzene solvent
molecules using the OPLS-AA force field[16] within the
LAMMPS software package[17] (see the Supporting Informa-
tion for complete details). The resulting structure of the
polymer was highly contorted with several distinct conforma-
tions at each monomer unit, which contribute to the compact
structure of the solvated polymer in solution. In each
monomer unit, we determined eight dihedral angles that
affect the local conformation of the polymer and thus
investigated their disposition. Preferred angles were found
by locating peaks in histograms generated by the data;
Gaussian distributions were fitted to each peak to estimate an
average angle value as well as a standard deviation (Support-
ing Information, Table S2). From left to right in Figure 3, the
three most common conformations of polymer 3 have lengths
of 5.8, 9.6, and 7.2 ꢀ per repeat unit, respectively. Even
though 3 does not fold into a single or small number of well-
defined conformers, as do o-phenylene oligomers, many of
the rotations of its aromatic rings are correlated, as evidenced
by their specific ranges of energetically favorable dihedral
angles. These simulations are consistent with the otherwise
anomalous shift to higher SEC retention times when 1 is
benzannulated to 3.
Figure 2. Differential refractive index (DRI) response of SEC traces of
PPE 1 (blue) and polyphenylene 3 (red).
These molecular weights were determined by multi-angle
light scattering, a direct measure of the polymer mass that
does not rely on comparisons to polymer standards of
questionable applicability. Despite its broad molecular-
weight distribution, we did not separate 1 into fractions of
high and low molecular weight because we found that the
shorter chains were easily removed by precipitation after the
benzannulation step. We estimate the Dp of the high-
molecular-weight fraction of 1 to be approximately 59,
The efficiency of the benzannulation of PPE 1 was
characterized using a full complement of spectroscopic
measurements. The inability of adjacent aromatic rings in 3
to adopt coplanar conformations induces a significant blue
shift in its UV/Vis absorption spectrum relative to its PPE
precursor 1. The lmax of 3 is blue-shifted by 140 nm compared
to that of 1 (Figure 4a) and its spectrum is strikingly similar to
ꢀ 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 12051 –12054