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All the complexes are found to be diamagnetic, so the
Pt(IV) complexes must be octahedral. Pt(IV) is d6 system
and four bands are expected corresponding to A1g → T1g,
1A1g → T2g, A1g → T1g and A1g → T2g transitions. The
shift towards lower frequency on complexation, indicates the
coordination to metal ion is through thioamide sulphur. The
antibacterial study of the complexes shows significant activity.
The bacterial strains with the zone of inhibition were observed,
8 mm. One complex was tested for the cytotoxic activity. The
complex was tested on primary adenocarcinoma (colour). The
complex showed good activity at 100 and 1 M solutions. On
dilution activity decreases, which show that, the complex is an
effective inhibitor at moderate concentrations. On the basis of
these spectroscopic studies the probable structure of the com-
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