J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 7610-7611
The oxazolidines 1a-d were synthesized by condensing
S-phenylglycinol with 3-methyl-2-butenal in analogy with the
reported procedure,8 followed by acylation (Scheme 1). The
Diastereoselective and Regioselective Singlet-Oxygen
Ene Reaction of Oxazolidine-Substituted Alkenes:
Control through Hydrogen Bonding Mediated by the
Urea Functionality of Chiral Auxiliaries
Scheme 1a
Waldemar Adam,† Karl Peters,‡ Eva-Maria Peters,‡ and
Simon B. Schambony*,†
Institut fu¨r Organische Chemie, UniVersita¨t Wu¨rzburg
D-97074 Wu¨rzburg, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Festko¨rperforschung
Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany.
a (i) molecular sieves (4 Å), CH2Cl2, 20 °C, 3 h. (ii) 1a (X ) OtBu):
Boc2O, EtOAc, 77 °C, 15 h; 1b (X ) Ph): PhCOCl, N-methylmorpholine,
CH2Cl2, 20 °C, 10 h; 1c/1d (X ) ArNH, see Table 1): ArNCO, Et2O/
CH2Cl2, 20 °C, 16 h. (iii) CH3I, KOH, DMSO, 20 °C, 16 h.
ReceiVed March 30, 2000
ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed May 15, 2000
The ene reaction between singlet oxygen (1O2) and alkenes with
allylic hydrogen atoms has attracted much attention in the last
years both from the synthetic1 and mechanistic2 points of view.
Most attention has been directed toward the stereochemical control
of the new stereogenic center that is formed in this process.3
Although much data has by now been accumulated to define the
prerequisites for high diastereoselectivity in this reaction, all
attempts hitherto to achieve chiral-auxiliary-induced diastereo-
meric control in the singlet-oxygen ene reaction led only to low
or at best moderate (dr e 82:18) selectivities.3,4 Nevertheless,
chiral auxiliaries have been successfully employed in directing
effectively the stereochemical course of a great variety of reaction
types,5 also that of singlet oxygen ([4 + 2] cycloaddition).6 The
facts at hand accentuate that singlet oxygen, the smallest possible
enophile, is not sensitive enough to the steric repulsion usually
exerted by the chiral auxiliaries and that such an approach
seems futile. Clearly, a completely different strategy must be
used for achieving efficient diastereoselectivity mediated by
chiral auxiliaries in the singlet-oxygen ene reaction.
N-methylated oxazolidine 1e was prepared by methylation of
N-phenyl derivative 1c. The like relative configuration of the
stereogenic centers in the oxazolidine ring was assessed by NOE
spectroscopy for all cases.
The oxazolidines 1 were photooxygenated at low temperature
(-5 °C or below) by using 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)-
porphine (TPFPP) as sensitizer, followed by in situ reduction of
the resulting hydroperoxides with triphenylphosphine. The allylic
alcohols 3 were obtained as main regioisomers, along with some
of the spiro-dioxolanes 4 (Table 1) that arise from hydrogen
Table 1. Regio- and Diastereoselectivities in the Photooxygenation
of the Optically Active Oxazolidines 1
The recently established hydroxy-group directiVity3b in the
photooxygenation of chiral allylic alcohols with 1,3-allylic strain
has focused on the efficacy of electronic interactions through
hydrogen bonding between the substrate and singlet oxygen.
Herein we report that, indeed, a high chiral-auxiliary-controlled
diastereoselectivity may be realized by providing beneficial
hydrogen bonding in the ene reaction between singlet oxygen and
an urea functionality. As chiral auxiliaries, we chose optically
active N-acetylated oxazolidines,7,8 which are readily removed
after the key diastereoselective step,8 and are structurally related
to those introduced by Kanemasa and Porter.11
td mbb,c regio diastereo
entry substrate
solvent [°C] [h] [%] (3:4) (lk-3:ul-3)
-5 20
-5 23
92 75:25
86 86:14
>95 93: 7
72 96: 4
94: 6
NHPh d6-acetone -10 40
NMePhf CDCl3
-10 28
-10 48
85 96: 4 >95: 5
90 70:30 41:59
a Sensitizer was 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphine (TPF-
PP). b Determined by H NMR spectroscopy with 1,2-diphenylethane
as internal standard, error (5% of the stated value. c Mass balance.
d Time needed for full conversion (>95%). e p-Nitrophenyl. f Dimethyl
isophthalate as internal standard.
† Institut fu¨r Organische Chemie. Fax: +49(0)931/8884756. E-mail:
‡ Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Festko¨rperforschung.
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10.1021/ja001113l CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 07/21/2000