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Galbanum oil

Basic Information Post buying leads Suppliers
  • Name Galbanum oil
  • CAS No. 8023-91-4
  • DensityN/A
  • PSA0.00000
  • LogP0.00000
  • SolubilityN/A
  • Melting PointN/A
  • FormulaN/A
  • Boiling PointN/A
  • Molecular Weight0.00000
  • Flash PointN/A
  • Transport InformationN/A
  • AppearanceN/A
  • SafetyA skin irritant. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.
  • Risk CodesN/A
  • Molecular Structure
    Molecular Structure of 8023-91-4 (FEMA 2501)
  • Hazard SymbolsN/A
  • SynonymsN/A

Galbanum oil Chemical Properties

Product Name: Galbanum oil
Synonyms of Galbanum oil (CAS NO.8023-91-4): Ferula galbaniflua oil ; Galbanum Resinoid B ; Galbanum SLC ; Galbanum gum extract ; Oils, galbanum ; Galbanum resinoid
Classification Code : Natural Product ;Skin / Eye Irritant ;TSCA UVCB
Product Categories: Alphabetical Listings;Essential OilsFlavors and Fragrances;Flavors and Fragrances;G-H
CAS NO: 8023-91-4

Galbanum oil Toxicity Data With Reference


skn-rbt 500 mg/24H MLD

    FCTXAV    Food and Cosmetics Toxicology. 16 (1978),765.

Galbanum oil Consensus Reports

Reported in EPA TSCA Inventory.

Galbanum oil Safety Profile

 Galbanum oil (CAS NO.8023-91-4) is a skin irritant. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.

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