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Benzyl Benzoate

Base Information Edit
  • Chemical Name:Benzyl Benzoate
  • CAS No.:120-51-4
  • Molecular Formula:C14H12O2
  • Molecular Weight:212.248
  • Hs Code.:2916.31 DERIVATION
  • European Community (EC) Number:204-402-9
  • ICSC Number:0390
  • NSC Number:758204,8081
  • UNII:N863NB338G
  • DSSTox Substance ID:DTXSID8029153
  • Nikkaji Number:J5.327I
  • Wikipedia:Benzyl_benzoate
  • Wikidata:Q413755
  • NCI Thesaurus Code:C65255
  • RXCUI:19044
  • Metabolomics Workbench ID:42991
  • Mol file:120-51-4.mol
Benzyl Benzoate

Synonyms:Acaril;Acarosan;Ansar;Antiscabiosum;Ascabiol;Benzanil;Benzemul;benzyl benzoate;Benzylbenzoaat Smeersel FNA;Novoscabin

Suppliers and Price of Benzyl Benzoate
Supply Marketing:Edit
Business phase:
The product has achieved commercial mass production*data from LookChem market partment
Manufacturers and distributors:
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  • price
Total 303 raw suppliers
Chemical Property of Benzyl Benzoate Edit
Chemical Property:
  • Appearance/Colour:colourless oily liquid with pleasant aromatic odor 
  • Vapor Pressure:0.00025mmHg at 25°C 
  • Melting Point:18 °C 
  • Refractive Index:n20/D 1.568(lit.)  
  • Boiling Point:324.1 °C at 760 mmHg 
  • Flash Point:147.9 °C 
  • PSA:26.30000 
  • Density:1.128 g/cm3 
  • LogP:3.04360 
  • Water Solubility.:practically insoluble 
  • XLogP3:4
  • Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
  • Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count:2
  • Rotatable Bond Count:4
  • Exact Mass:212.083729621
  • Heavy Atom Count:16
  • Complexity:213

99%min *data from raw suppliers

Safty Information:
  • Pictogram(s): HarmfulXn 
  • Hazard Codes: Xn:Harmful;
  • Statements: R22:; 
  • Safety Statements: S25:; 
MSDS Files:

SDS file from LookChem

Total 1 MSDS from other Authors

  • Chemical Classes:Other Classes -> Esters, Other
  • Canonical SMILES:C1=CC=C(C=C1)COC(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2
  • Recent EU Clinical Trials:Investigation to assess the efficacy of topical benzyl benzoate 10/25% emulsion versus permethrin 5% creme for scabies treatment
  • Inhalation Risk:No indication can be given about the rate at which a harmful concentration of this substance in the air is reached on evaporation at 20 °C.
  • Effects of Short Term Exposure:The substance is irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
  • Effects of Long Term Exposure:Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause dermatitis.
  • Chemical Properties Benzyl benzoate (BB) is a benzoate ester formed by the condensation of benzoic acid with benzyl alcohol. It is a component of brown aromatic resin found in cinnamon oil and cough syrups and is widely utilized in the perfume, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Upon absorption, it undergoes hydrolysis to yield benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol.
  • Medical Uses Benzyl benzoate serves as an important anti-scabies agent and is effective against the mite Sarcoptes scabies, which causes scabies. It has also been used to treat lice infestations of the head and body. Although effective, its irritant properties make it less favorable as a treatment for scabies compared to other options.
  • Production and Sustainability Sustainable production processes for benzyl benzoate have been explored, including biocatalytic methods resulting in high purity. These processes offer favorable economic viability, making them suitable for industrial scale-up.
  • Natural Occurrence Benzyl benzoate is found in various plants and foods, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and beverages such as tea and wine. It possesses a balsamic, herbal, and oily smell and occurs naturally in plants like babaco fruit, caper, and celery.
  • Industrial and Environmental Considerations Its low availability in nature necessitates chemical synthesis, but there is growing interest in developing sustainable production methods to meet industrial demand.
  • Medical Applications Benzyl benzoate is utilized in the treatment of conditions such as scabies, lice infestations, rosacea, and demodicosis. It acts as a medication for scabies and lice and as an insect repellent for various pests such as chiggers, ticks, and mosquitoes.
  • Other Industrial Uses In addition to its medical applications, benzyl benzoate finds use as a dye carrier, solvent, fixative, and camphor substitute in the perfume industry.
Technology Process of Benzyl Benzoate

There total 573 articles about Benzyl Benzoate which guide to synthetic route it. The literature collected by LookChem mainly comes from the sharing of users and the free literature resources found by Internet computing technology. We keep the original model of the professional version of literature to make it easier and faster for users to retrieve and use. At the same time, we analyze and calculate the most feasible synthesis route with the highest yield for your reference as below:

synthetic route:
Guidance literature:
With pyridine; 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl; iodine; sodium hydrogencarbonate; In dichloromethane; water; at 20 - 25 ℃; for 1h;
Guidance literature:
With carbonyl bis(hydrido)tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II); 1,3-bis(mesityl)imidazolium chloride; at 150 ℃; for 16h; Inert atmosphere;
Guidance literature:
With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C56H62Cl2Mn2N6O10P2; In water; acetonitrile; at 80 ℃; for 4h; Reagent/catalyst; Solvent; Temperature; Time; Catalytic behavior; Green chemistry;
Refernces Edit
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