(Fig. S10w). This result also provides the key proof for the
importance of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. For the
mixed vesicles of PCDA-HBA 1 and PCDA-Acid, only 40%
PCDA-HBA 1 is necessary (Fig. S11w), which might be
attributed to the possible intermolecular hydrogen bonding
between PCDA-HBA 1 and PCDA-Acid.
In summary, we have developed a conceptually new
PDA-based chemosensor system for the detection of CS in
aqueous solution. The colorimetrically and fluorometrically
responses of the conjugated polymers can be attributed to the
disruption of the headgroup hydrogen bonding, for which
both ammonium groups and long alkyl chains are required.
Since this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of
a PDA-based CS sensor, the results described above should be
an important addition to PDA sensor systems.
Fig. 5 Fluorescence titrations of PCDA-HBA 1-derived polymers
(1 mM) with CTAC in HEPES–DMSO (9 : 1, v/v, 20 mM, pH 7.4;
excitation at 535 nm, slit: 5 nm/5 nm).
enhancement of the polymer. The colorimetric and fluorescent
changed images are also povided in Fig. S8w.
This research was supported by the Korea Science and
Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) grant (NRL) (R04-2007-
000-2007-0, R04-2008-000-20047-0), the SRC program of
KOSEF/MEST (R11-2005-008-02003-0) and WCU program
(R31-2008-000-10010-0). J.L. and M.J.J. ackknowledge the
BK21 fellowship.
The selectivity of PCDA-HBA 1-derived PDAs for CTAC
could be attributed to the unique head group interactions in
aqueous solution as shown in Fig. 6. The addition of CTAC
can disturb the regularly arrayed hydrogen bonding between
head groups by ionic interactions between the phenolate of the
head group and the ammonium group. The disruption of the
hydrogen bonding could allow the release of the strain energy
imposed on the alkyl side chains generated during polymeriza-
tion.13 The release of the side chain strain can cause partial
distortion of the arrayed p-orbitals, leading to a decrease in
the effective conjugation length of the polymer. On the other
hand, the salicylaldehyde group of the polymerized
PCDA-HBA 2 is involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding
and the addition of CTAC has a negligible effect on the
colorimetric transition of the PDA supramolecules.
Notes and references
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Fig. 6 Proposed headgroup structures of the PDAs derived from
PCDA-HBA 1 in the presence of CTAC.
This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009
3436 | Chem. Commun., 2009, 3434–3436