92 J . Org. Chem., Vol. 61, No. 1, 1996
Ramachandran et al.
Ma ter ia ls. Ethyl ether (EE) (Mallinckrodt) was used as
received. (()-Camphenilone was a sample previously obtained
from the Chemical Samples Co. All other chemicals were
purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. R-Methoxy-R-(trifluo-
romethyl)phenylacetic acid (MTPA) obtained from Aldrich
Chemical Co. was converted to the acid chloride using Mosher’s
(b) 2:1.3 Rea ction . 4 (126 mmol, 21.42 g) was treated with
26.27 g (81.9 mmol) of (-)-1 at rt. The reaction was complete
in 2 h. Workup as above provided 4.57 g (61%) of the recovered
keto ester and 10.42 g (74%) of the hydroxy ester. The keto
ester was analyzed to be of g99% ee in the (R)-isomer. [R]22
) -16.09 (c 5.9, CHCl3).28 The hydroxy ester has an isomeric
composition of 80% (1S,2S)-5, 5% (1R,2R)-5, and 15% (1R,2S)-
Kin etic Resolu tion of Keton es w ith 1. Gen er a l P r o-
ced u r e. An oven-dried 50 mL round bottom flask equipped
with a septum-capped side arm, magnetic stirring bar, and a
connecting tube was cooled to rt in a stream of nitrogen. The
ketone (20 mmol) and DIP-Chloride (10 mmol) were trans-
ferred to the flask in a glovebag. The reaction mixture was
stirred at appropriate temperatures until the reaction was
complete as shown by the 11B NMR spectrum of a methano-
lyzed aliquot (δ 32). EE (25 mL) was added, followed by
diethanolamine (22 mmol), and the mixture was stirred for 2
h when the boron components precipitated as a complex. This
precipitate was filtered and washed with pentane. The
combined filtrates were concentrated and chromatographed
using vacuum liquid chromatography on silica gel. R-Pinene
was eluted with pentane, and the recovered ketone was eluted
with pentane:EE (9:1), followed by elution of the alcohol with
pentane:EE (1:1). The ketone was further purified by pre-
(c) 2:1.3 Rea ction , w ith (+)-1. 4 (65.2 mmol, 11.09 g) was
treated with 13.6 g (42.4 mmol) of (+)-1 at rt. The reaction
was complete in 2 h. Workup as above provided 2.79 g (72%)
of the recovered keto ester and 5.84 g (80%) of the hydroxy
ester. The keto ester was analyzed to be of g99% ee in the
(S)-isomer. [R]22D ) +15.99 (c 4.2, CHCl3).28 1H NMR δ (ppm)
(CDCl3): 1.22-1.27 (t, 7.1 Hz), 1.31 (s), 1.82-2.58 (m), 4.12-
4.20 (m). 13C NMR δ (ppm) (CDCl3): 13.97, 19.30, 19.48, 36.13,
37.56, 55.81, 61.20, 172.27, 215.73. Anal. Calcd for C9H14O3:
C, 63.31; H, 8.30. Found: C, 63.49; H, 8.38.
The hydroxy ester has an isomeric composition of 5%
(1S,2S)-5, 81% (1R,2R)-5, and 14% (1S,2R)-5.
Kin etic Resolu tion of Eth yl 1-Meth yl-2-oxocycloh ex-
a n eca r boxyla te (6). (a ) 2:1 Rea ction . The keto ester was
prepared in 99% yield by the methylation of ethyl 2-oxocyclo-
hexanecarboxylate using NaH and iodomethane in THF, bp
74-75 °C/1.9 mmHg. 6 (23 mmol, 4.23 g) was treated with
11.5 mmol (3.69 g) of (-)-1 at rt as described in the general
procedure. The reaction was complete in 3 h. Workup and
chromatography provided 1.60 g (75%) of the product hydroxy
ester and 1.71 g (81%) of the recovered keto ester. Analysis
of the TFA derivative of the alcohol showed a composition of
84% (1S,2S)-7, 11% (1R,2R)-7, and 5% (1R,2S)-7. The recov-
ered keto ester was analyzed on a Chiraldex-GTA capillary
column which showed a composition of 86% of the (R)-isomer
parative GC on
a SE-30 column, and the rotation was
measured. The ee of the ketone was determined by analysis
on a gas chromatograph using a Chiraldex-GTA capillary
column (23 m). The cis/ trans or exo/ endo ratios of the alcohols
were determined by a GC comparison (SPB-5 capillary column)
with the product obtained from the reduction of the ketone
with NaBH4. The ee of the diastereomers were determined
by converting the alcohol to the MCF, MTPA, or TFA deriva-
tive and analysis on a GC using an appropriate capillary
column. The reactions of individual ketones are presented
and 14% of the (S)-isomer. [R]25 ) -85.40 (c 5.85, CHCl3)
corresponds to an optical purity of g99% on the basis of the
maximum rotation, [R]D ) +66.1 (CHCl3), reported in the
literature for the (S)-isomer.4 The spectral data of the
recovered keto ester are identical to those of (()-6.
Kin etic Resolu tion of Meth yl 1-Meth yl-2-oxocyclop en -
ta n eca r boxyla te (2). (a ) 2:1 Rea ction . The keto ester was
prepared in 91% yield by the methylation of methyl 2-oxocy-
clopentanecarboxylate using NaH and iodomethane in THF,
bp 80 °C/3.7 mmHg. 2 (28 mmol, 4.37 g) was treated with 4.5
g (14 mmol) of (-)-1 at rt as described in the general procedure.
The reaction was complete in 2 h. Workup and chromatog-
raphy provided 1.62 g (73%) of the product hydroxy ester and
1.87 g (86%) of the recovered keto ester. Analysis of the TFA
derivative of the alcohol on a Chiraldex-GTA column showed
an isomeric composition of 95% (1S,2S)-3, 2% (1R,2R)-3, and
3% (1R,2S)-3. The recovered keto ester was analyzed on a
Chiraldex-GTA capillary column which showed a composition
of 95% of the (R)-isomer and 5% of the (S)-isomer. The spectral
data of the recovered keto ester are identical to those of (()-2.
(b) 2:1.3 Rea ction . 2 (53.6 mmol, 8.36 g) was treated with
11.17 g (34.8 mmol) of (-)-1 at rt. The reaction was complete
in 12 h. Workup as above provided 2.05 g (70%) of the
recovered keto ester and 3.74 g (68%) of the hydroxy ester.
The keto ester was analyzed to be of g99% ee in the (R)-isomer.
[R]22D ) -11.41 (c 4.98, CHCl3) corresponds to an optical purity
of g99% on the basis of the rotation reported in the literature.3
The hydroxy ester showed an isomeric composition of 80%
(1S,2S)-3, 4% (1R,2R)-3, and 16% (1R,2S)-3.
(b) 2:1.2 Rea ction . 6 (10.2 mmol, 1.88 g) was treated with
1.97 g (6.1 mmol) of (-)-1 at rt. The reaction was complete in
3 h. Workup as above provided 0.69 g (91%) of the recovered
keto ester and 0.96 g (85%) of the hydroxy ester. The keto
ester was analyzed to be of 91% ee in the (R)-isomer. [R]25
-105.86 (c 6.83, CHCl3) corresponds to an optical purity of
g99% on the basis of the maximum rotation, [R]D ) +66.1
(CHCl3), reported in the literature for the (S)-isomer.4 The
hydroxy ester showed a composition of 83% (1S,2S)-7, 14%
(1R,2R)-7, and 3% (1R,2S)-7.
Kin etic Resolu tion of 1-Meth yln or ca m p h or (8). (a ) 2:1
Rea ction . This bicyclic ketone was prepared in 56% yield
from norcamphor using a literature procedure, bp 60-63 °C/
11 mmHg.23 8 (15 mmol, 1.86 g) was treated with 2.41 g (7.5
mmol) of (-)-1 at rt as described in the general procedure. The
reaction was complete within 2 h. Workup and chromatog-
raphy provided 0.84 g (89%) of the product alcohol and 0.90 g
(97%) of the recovered ketone. Gas chromatographic analysis
of the alcohol showed a composition of 91% of the exo and 9%
of the endo product. Analysis of its MCF derivative on a SPB-5
capillary column showed a composition of 86% (1S) and 5%
(1R) of the exo product and 9% (1R) of the endo product. The
recovered ketone was analyzed on a Chiraldex-GTA capillary
column which showed an ee of 63% in the (1R)-isomer.
(b) 2:1.4 Rea ction . 8 (80.5 mmol, 9.98 g) was treated with
18.08 g (56.4 mmol) of (-)-1 at 0 °C. The reaction was
complete in 5 h. Workup as above provided 2.72 g (91%) of
the recovered ketone and 6.53 g (92%) of the alcohol. The
Kin etic Resolu tion of Eth yl 1-Meth yl-2-oxocyclop en -
ta n eca r boxyla te (4). (a ) 2:1 Rea ction . The keto ester was
prepared in 93% yield by the methylation of ethyl 2-oxocyclo-
pentanecarboxylate using NaH and iodomethane in THF, bp
76 °C/2.1 mmHg. 4 (22 mmol, 3.75 g) was treated with 3.54 g
(11 mmol) of (-)-1 at rt as described in the general procedure.
The reaction was complete in 2 h. Workup and chromatog-
raphy provided 1.37 g (72%) of the product hydroxy ester and
1.48 g (79%) of the recovered keto ester. Analysis of the TFA
derivative of the alcohol on a Chiraldex-GTA column showed
an isomeric composition of 91% (1S,2S)-5, 2% (1R,2R)-5, and
7% (1R,2S)-5. The recovered keto ester was analyzed on a
Chiraldex-GTA capillary column which showed a composition
of 87.5% of the (R)-isomer and 12.5% of the (S)-isomer. The
spectral data of the recovered keto ester are identical to those
of (()-4.
ketone was analyzed to be of g99% ee in the (1R)-isomer. [R]25
) -41.70 (c 3.18, EtOH). The optical rotation was noted in
CHCl3 also to compare with the calculated rotation reported
in the literature.23 [R]25 ) -45.49 (c 5.03, CHCl3). Upon
(28) A rotation of [R]D ) +1.7 (c 10.33, CHCl3) is reported in the
literature for 4 without any assignment of the configuration. Saigo,
K.; Koda, H.; Nohira, H. Bull. Chem. Soc. J pn. 1979, 52, 3119. On the
basis of the analogy with other resolutions, we believe that (R)-4 is
obtained after kinetic resolution.