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  • Original ContributionUtilization of SPECTRIN (cas 12634-43-4)s βI and βIII in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma☆

  • Add time:08/15/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    Spectrins are a group of cytoskeletal proteins which participate in many important cellular functions. It has been suggested that loss of spectrin isoforms may be associated with tumorigenesis of lymphoma, leukemia, gastric cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We recently reported that βI spectrin expression was present in normal hepatocytes but lost in HCC cells, which suggested that spectrins may be helpful markers in diagnosis of HCC. In this study, using immunohistochemical staining, we further investigated the expression pattern of four spectrin isoforms (αII, βI-III) on different benign and malignant liver tumors including focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), hepatic adenoma (HA), HCC, and cholangiocarcinoma (CC). The results revealed that βI spectrin was moderately to strongly positive in FNH and HA tissues, but was only weakly positive or lost in HCC cases and was weakly positive in all CC cases. In addition, the βIII spectrin, majority of which was moderately positive in both FNH and HA tissues, was mostly lost in poorly differentiated HCC but remained at least moderately positive in most CC cases. These results suggest that spectrins βI and βIII may be used to differentiate well differentiated HCC from FNH or HA, and poorly differentiated HCC from CC, respectively.

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    Prev:Promising cyclization reactions to construct the ring systems of BREVIANAMIDE (cas 12634-10-5)s A,B
    Next:Effects of GM1 on brain SPECTRIN (cas 12634-43-4)-aminophospholipid interactions)

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