Gonzales et al.
lactone site. Alternatively, as noted by Williams et al. (1997), of barbiturates and ␣-BnMeGBL occurs through a similar
the decrease in GABA current induced by ␣-BnMeGBL may domain of the receptor remains to be determined.
be due to its facilitation of entry into the desensitized state.
The results of the present study provide further evidence
Finally, the existence of another low affinity inhibitory site that positive modulatory actions of butyrolactones and thio-
for lactones cannot be ruled out. Williams et al. (1997) found butyrolactones are due to interaction with a distinct protein
that GABAA receptors expressing a mutation that rendered binding site. Although we presume the binding site is located
them insensitive to the inhibitory effects of M -EMTBL on the GABAA receptor itself, the possibility that lactones
were still inhibited by higher concentrations (millimolar) of may be binding to an associated protein that regulates
GABAA receptor function cannot be dismissed. Distinguish-
Enantioselectivity of ␣-BnMeGBL. Although in the ing between these two possibilities will require additional
present studies we have characterized a novel anticonvulsant studies.
lactone, the major goal of this research was to evaluate
whether enantiomers of this lactone had differential anticon-
vulsant and GABAAR-modulating properties. Because enan-
tioselective preference is typically considered to be evidence
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1986; Bertucci et al., 1997), assessment of this trait is a
useful approach for evaluating whether a binding site for a
particular molecule exists on a particular receptor. Our data
support the contention that a distinct binding site exists on
the GABAAR that accounts for the positive modulatory ac-
tions of butyrolactones (and presumably thiobutyrolactones).
The R-(Ϫ) enantiomer of ␣-BnMeGBL had a 2-fold larger
facilitative effect on GABA-activated ClϪ currents than the
S-(ϩ)-enantiomer. These positive modulatory effects of ␣-Bn-
MeGBL at the GABAAR likely underlie its anticonvulsant
activity, because R-(Ϫ)-␣-BnMeGBL was also 2-fold more
potent than S-(ϩ)-␣BnMeGBL in protecting animals from
pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures. The fact that the degree
of enantioselectivity was the same in both the anticonvulsant
and patch-clamp assays confirms the significance of the ste-
reoselective effect. Although the overall magnitude of enan-
tioselective preference seems relatively modest, this degree
of enantioselectivity has been reported for other molecules
and does result in distinct functional effects (Hall et al., 1994;
Cordato et al., 1999; Covey et al., 2000).
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Direct Activation of GABAARs by ␣-BnMeGBL. In
addition to allosterically modulating GABA-activated cur-
rent, we demonstrate that ␣-BnMeGBL can also directly
activate the ␣12␥2 GABAA receptor. Several butyrolactones
and thiobutyrolactones have been tested for direct receptor
activating effects, at concentrations from 1 to 10 mM, and
they have not shown this characteristic (Holland et al.,
1990a; Mathews et al., 1996). Because of solubility issues, we
did not determine the maximal efficacy for the direct gating
effects of ␣-BnMeGBL and thus also could not fully assess
whether enantioselectivity for this effect existed. At 3 mM,
the (ϩ) and (Ϫ) enantiomers of ␣-BnMeGBL activated a
current less than one-third the amplitude of current gener-
ated in response to 5 M GABA (the EC20 concentration in
␣12␥2 receptors). Thus, compared with other ligands that
directly activate the receptor, the efficacy of ␣-BnMeGBL for
direct channel activation may be modest (Rho et al., 1996;
Gonzales et al., 2001). Considering that other lactones pre-
viously reported not to directly activate the receptor had
smaller alkyl substituents than those present in ␣-Bn-
MeGBL, the presence of a bulky side chain may be crucial in
altering the GABAA receptor structure in the closed state.
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ence efficacy of direct activation of GABAARs by barbitu-
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