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Reported in EPA TSCA Inventory.
The Polyethylenimine (40,000) belongs to the categories of Polymers; Amine-Functional Polymers; Hydrophilic Polymers; Polymer Science. Its cas registry number is 9002-98-6. Besides this, it has other registry numbers including (1) 145379-92-6 ; (2) 217821-63-1 ; (3) 391936-72-4 ; (4) 39289-19-5 ; (5) 461012-73-7 ; (6) 66456-64-2 ; (7) 69522-69-6 ; (8) 81210-07-3 ; (9) 81210-08-4 ; (10) 81210-09-5 ; (11) 9077-52-5 ; (12) 92047-44-4 ; (13) 96956-22-8 ; (14) 96956-23-9 ; (15) 96956-24-0. This chemical is also called Aziridine, homopolymer ; Ethylenimine, polymers (8CI) ; Polyethylenimine (10,000) ; Polyethylenimine (20,000) ; Polyethylenimine (35,000) .
Physical properties about this chemical are: (1) Refractive index: n20/D 1.5290; (2) Melting Point: 59-60°C ; (3) Boiling Point: 250 °C(lit.); (4) Flash Point: >230 °F; (5) Density: 1.030 g/mL at 25 °C.
When you are using this chemical, please be cautious about it as the following:
This chemical is sensitive to CO2. It is moderately toxic by ingestion. When heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of NOx. When you are using it, avoid contact with skin and eyes and do not breathe dust. Make sure keep it under argon.
You can still convert the following datas into molecular structure:
(1) InChI:InChI=1/C2H5N/c1-2-3-1/h3H,1-2H2 ;
(2) Smiles:C1CN1