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  • Susceptibility of coagulase-negative staphylococci to a kanamycin and cefalexin (cas 108260-04-4) combination

  • Add time:08/26/2019    Source:sciencedirect.com

    A combination of kanamycin and cefalexin (cas 108260-04-4) was licensed in Europe in 2008 to treat bovine clinical mastitis. Preliminary broth and disk clinical breakpoints for this antibiotic combination have been proposed for Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, and Escherichia coli. This study indicates that these proposed breakpoints also hold for coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), a group of bacteria frequently isolated in milk samples from cows with clinical mastitis. The data show that clinical bovine mastitis isolates of CNS from Europe have a high degree of susceptibility to the kanamycin/cefalexin combination, with minimal resistance to either agent alone. The use of the available kanamycin and cefalexin combination disk for testing the susceptibility of bovine mastitis isolates of Staph. aureus, Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae, and E. coli is also reliable for use in the testing of CNS, as disk results correlated with broth minimum inhibitory concentrations. The study reports, for the first time, the approved Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute quality control ranges for the kanamycin/cefalexin combination and wild-type cutoff values for major bacterial pathogens implicated in bovine mastitis.

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    Prev:Oxidation of cefalexin (cas 108260-04-4) by thermally activated persulfate: Kinetics, products, and antibacterial activity change
    Next:Inclusion of cefalexin (cas 108260-04-4) in SBA-15 mesoporus material and release property)

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