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New Journal of Chemistry
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DOI: 10.1039/C6NJ03070J
Journal Name
Q. Y. Yang and J. M. Lehn, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53
4572-4577; Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 4660-4665.
initiated its turn-on emission significantly due to the restriction
of intramolecular rotation. Hence, crystal structure directly
attested the AIE active nature of L3. Besides the intermolecular
interactions the single crystal of L3 showed that there is a
strong intramolecular interaction between –OH and Nimine
which opened up the scope for a proton transfer through
hexa-cyclic ring from O–H to Nimine. Hence more likely these
interactions (both intra and intermolecular) led to the large
red shift of the emission peak 2 accompanied by gradual
increase in the emission intensity upon increasing water
fraction due to the formation of aggregates.
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In summary we have systematically designed and developed of
a simple organic molecule (L3) to generate white light emission
from single component. It also has the potential to tune
several emission colors by varying water fractions in methanol-
water mixture, due to its diverse spectral nature. Introducing
aggregation-induced emission (AIE) phenomenon (peak 2) and
excimer formation
(peak 1) helped in securing steady
enhancement in the fluorescence intensities of the respective
dual emission peaks upon aggregation whereas insertion of
ESIPT (excited state intramolecular proton transfer)
phenomenon provided additional tool to handle the shift in
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
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