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Aluminium chloride

Base Information Edit
  • Chemical Name:Aluminium chloride
  • CAS No.:7446-70-0
  • Molecular Formula:AlCl3 
  • Molecular Weight:133.341
  • Hs Code.:2827.32
  • UNII:LIF1N9568Y
  • Nikkaji Number:J3.102J
  • Mol file:7446-70-0.mol
Aluminium chloride

Synonyms:Aluminumchloride (8CI);

Suppliers and Price of Aluminium chloride
Supply Marketing:Edit
Business phase:
The product has achieved commercial mass production*data from LookChem market partment
Manufacturers and distributors:
  • Manufacture/Brand
  • Chemicals and raw materials
  • Packaging
  • price
  • TRC
  • Aluminum chloride
  • 5g
  • $ 50.00
  • TCI Chemical
  • Aluminum(III) Chloride >98.0%(T)
  • 100g
  • $ 27.00
  • TCI Chemical
  • Aluminum(III) Chloride >98.0%(T)
  • 500g
  • $ 40.00
  • Strem Chemicals
  • Aluminum chloride, anhydrous, reagent, 99%
  • 250g
  • $ 69.00
  • Strem Chemicals
  • Aluminum chloride, anhydrous (99.99+%-Al) PURATREM
  • 50g
  • $ 85.00
  • Strem Chemicals
  • Aluminum chloride, anhydrous, reagent, 99%
  • 1kg
  • $ 208.00
  • Strem Chemicals
  • Aluminum chloride, anhydrous (99.99+%-Al) PURATREM
  • 250g
  • $ 338.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder sublimed for synthesis
  • 50 kg
  • $ 580.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder sublimed for synthesis. CAS 7446-70-0, pH 2.4 (100 g/l, H O, 20 °C)., anhydrous powder sublimed for synthesis
  • 8010819050
  • $ 560.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Aluminum chloride anhydrous, sublimed, ≥98%
  • 6x1kg
  • $ 456.00
Total 34 raw suppliers
Chemical Property of Aluminium chloride Edit
Chemical Property:
  • Appearance/Colour:yellow to grey solid 
  • Vapor Pressure:1 mm Hg ( 100 °C) 
  • Melting Point:194 °C 
  • Boiling Point:180°C 
  • Flash Point:88 °C 
  • PSA:0.00000 
  • Density:2.44 g/cm3 
  • LogP:2.06850 
  • Storage Temp.:2-8°C 
  • Sensitive.:Moisture Sensitive 
  • Solubility.:H2O: soluble 
  • Water Solubility.:reacts 
  • Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
  • Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count:3
  • Rotatable Bond Count:0
  • Exact Mass:131.888096
  • Heavy Atom Count:4
  • Complexity:0

99% *data from raw suppliers

Aluminum chloride *data from reagent suppliers

Safty Information:
  • Pictogram(s): CorrosiveC, IrritantXi, Toxic
  • Hazard Codes:C,Xi,T 
  • Statements: 36/38-34-62-51/53-48/23/24-40-23/24/25-14-48/25-48/20-52-36/37/38-52/53-48/23/24/25-60 
  • Safety Statements: 26-45-28-7/8-36/37/39-61-23-28A-53 
MSDS Files:

SDS file from LookChem

Total 1 MSDS from other Authors

  • Canonical SMILES:[Al+3].[Cl-].[Cl-].[Cl-]
  • Description White or light-yellow crystalline solid (or amorphous solid depending on the method of production); odor of HCl; hygroscopic; melts at 190°C at 2.5 atm; sublimes at 181.2°C; density 2.44 g/cm3 at 25°C; decomposes in water evolving heat; soluble in HCl; soluble in many organic solvents, including absolute ethanol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and ether; slightly soluble in benzene. Aluminum chloride is important industrial chemical. Anhydrous Aluminum chloride is used as the catalyst in variety of Friedel-Crafts type of reactions. Large amounts of ethylbenzene are prepared in this way and are used to make styrene. C6H6 + CH3CH2Cl + AlCl3→C6H5CH2CH3 + H+ + [AlCl4]- Aluminum chloride is also used in the manufacture of anthraquinone (used in dyestuffs industry) and dodecylbenzene (used to make detergents) and in the isomerisation of hydrocarbons (petroleum industry). Aluminum chloride reacts vigorously with water and fumes in air. It is used as a catalyst in cracking petroleum and in organic synthesis.
  • Uses Aluminum chloride has extensive commercial applications. It is used primarily in the electrolytic production of aluminum. Another major use involves its catalytic applications in many organic reactions, including Friedel-Crafts alkylation, polymerization, isomerization, hydrocracking, oxidation, decarboxylation, and dehydrogenation. It is also used in the production of rare earth chlorides, electroplating of aluminum and in many metal finishing and metallurgical operations. A yellowish-white crystalline or granular powder made by passing chlorine gas over alumina in a heated state and collecting the product by sublimation. Aluminum chloride was occasionally used in gold and platinum toning baths. Aluminum chloride is used as a catalyst in many organic reactions.
Technology Process of Aluminium chloride

There total 236 articles about Aluminium chloride which guide to synthetic route it. The literature collected by LookChem mainly comes from the sharing of users and the free literature resources found by Internet computing technology. We keep the original model of the professional version of literature to make it easier and faster for users to retrieve and use. At the same time, we analyze and calculate the most feasible synthesis route with the highest yield for your reference as below:

synthetic route:
Guidance literature:
In neat (no solvent); reaction at at temperatures higher than 300°C;;
Guidance literature:
In neat (no solvent); reaction at at temperatures higher than 300°C;;
Guidance literature:
With pyrographite; In neat (no solvent); reaction at temperatures higher than 300°C;;
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