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 Six Skills for Pregnant Women to Resist Radiation
  • Six Skills for Pregnant Women to Resist Radiation
  • It is dangerous for people, especially pregnant women, to accept a large amount of radiation. If pregnant women are always attacked by radiation, they probably have to abort. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to know well about how to resist radiation effectively. There are six skills to be introduced to pregnant women to help them resist radiation in everyday life.

    The first skill is to separate the household appliances from each other. People should never put all the household appliances together or use them at the same time. For example, the television, computer and air-conditioner should not be all put in your bedroom. If you are surrounded by all the household appliances, you are also surrounded by a large amount of radiation. The second skill is never to stay for a long time behind a computer. The largest amount of radiation is released by the back region of the screen. Pregnant women can wear radiation-proof clothes to protect themselves and their babies. The third skill is to make full use of water to absorb electromagnetic wave. Pregnant women must maintain a nice work environment for themselves, such as a moderate temperature and clean air. As water is the best medium to absorb electromagnetic wave, people can put several cups of water around the computer. The water must be placed in plastic bottles or glass bottles. The metal ones should not be used at all. The fourth skill is to reduce the time of standby mode of computer. When standby mode is worked, a kind of weak electromagnetic field can be produced, which can result in the accumulation of radiation. The fifth skill for pregnant women to use is to wash face and hands frequently. A large amount of static electricity exists on the surface of the computer screen and it can absorb lots of dust. The dust can be reflected to your face and hands, which can cause the formation of macula and chromatosis. Therefore, pregnant women should wash face and hands in time when they face the computer for a long time. The sixth skill is to supplement nutrition. If some pregnant women always have to face computer, they should eat foods like carrot, cabbage, bean sprout, bean curd, orange, milk, egg, animal liver and lean meat to supplement vitamin A and protein needed by the human body. In addition, tea polyphenol contained in tea can resist and absorb radioactive substances.

    All these six skills can effectively help pregnant women resist radiation. However, they are not independent. People should make full use of them synthetically.

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