Abstract: Tetraamine Me6TREN has
been used as a scaffold support to pro-
vide coordinative saturation in the
complexes PhCH2M·Me6TREN (M=
Li, Na, K). The Li derivative displays a
lithium. In the sodium derivative, the
metal cation slips slightly towards the
delocalized p electrons whilst maintain-
ing a partial s interaction with the CH2
group. For the potassium case, coordi-
native saturation successfully yields the
first monomeric benzylpotassium com-
plex, in which the anion binds to the
metal cation exclusively through its de-
localized p system resulting in a planar
CH2 group.
Li C s interaction with a pyramidal-
Keywords: alkali metals · benzyl
anion · coordination isomerism ·
monomer · polyamines
ized CH2 both in the solid state and in
solution, and represents the first exam-
ple of h4 coordination of Me6TREN to
Long indispensable to synthetic practitioners of chemistry,
simple organolithium (and increasingly organo alkali metal)
compounds have a rich, diverse structural chemistry.[1] In so-
lution, where these compounds are routinely employed as
reagents,[2] multiple species involving aggregration and/or
solvation as well as assorted dynamic processes can be in ex-
istence,[3] making structure–reactivity correlation extremely
complex and difficult to untangle. Such complexes, of gener-
al formula [RM]x·nL, can adopt a prodigious variety of
chain or cyclic structures falling between the two extremes
of monomer (x=1) and polymer (x=1), with the degree of
aggregation generally being inversely proportional to the re-
activity.[4] The factors governing the extent of aggregation
include the identity of the cation (M) and the anion (R), the
presence or absence of a neutral Lewis donating ligand (L),
the degree of ligation (n) and the size and denticity of R
and L. Given this number of influential components, it is
clear that changing just one variable can have a profound
effect on the others and thus on the final structure. This is
eloquently illustrated by n-butyl- and tert-butyllithium; on
changing from the linear to the more bulky branched alkyl
group, Stalke and Kottke showed that the solid-state struc-
ture of the unsolvated derivatives alters from a hexamer
(x=6) to a tetramer (x=4).[5] Further, the introduction of a
Lewis donor to the latter complex (L=Et2O) invokes a de-
thylcyclohexane-1,2-diamine) from varying such ratio.[9] Of
course it is not prudent to surmise that larger anions or
larger polydentate donors will automatically result in small-
er aggregates since electronic factors will also play an impor-
tant role. While lithium complexes are often smaller (and
consequently more soluble) oligomers, heavier sodium and
potassium derivatives have a tendency to give larger insolu-
ble polymers; for example, hexameric LiCH2SiMe3
commercially available as a hexane solution yet its K conge-
ner is insoluble in the same medium.[11] Whereas judicious
choice of anion and Lewis donor can disrupt the polymeri-
zation of lithium species, it is much more arduous to do so
with Na or K complexes of simple organic anions.[12] As a
consequence of this there is a paucity of successful structural
studies pertaining to simple organopotassium complexes in
the literature. This general dichotomy between Li and K
chemistry is principally due to the fundamental differences
between these two monocations—among them, lithium has
a considerably greater charge density, forms s bonds to car-
banionic species, and can only accommodate
a small
number of neutral Lewis donors around it; whereas potassi-
um is softer, more polarizable, has a larger coordination
sphere and possesses a considerable affinity for p-electron
density.[13] The behavior of sodium can be considered inter-
mediate between these two and can fall into either category.
Consequently these differences encountered as one navi-
gates Group 1 means, to the best of our knowledge, there
are no known crystallographically characterized isomeric
molecular organo alkali-metal species in the literature.[14] To
that end, we were interested in the challenge of preparing a
family of isomeric Lewis donor stabilized monomers (i.e.,
homologues which only varied in M), which required careful
consideration over the component parts. As reported herein,
this challenge has now been unequivocally met to reveal
facets of the fundamental structure and bonding proclivities
of Li, Na, and K summarized above.
crease in aggregation yielding a dimer [tBuLi·Et2O]2.[5]
fine example of variable reactivity was unveiled by Mitzel
and co-workers who demonstrated that nBuLi and tBuLi de-
protonate 1,3,5-trimethyl-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane (TMTAC)
at the doubly deactivated aminal (NCH2N) position,[6] while
the same ligand acts only as a donor[7] to polymeric MeLi.[8]
The influence of complex to donor ratio (i.e. n) was exposed
most recently by a pair of structures [nBuLi·TMCDA]2 and
[a] Prof. M. G. Davidson, Dr. D. Garcia-Vivo
Department of Chemistry, University of Bath
Bath, BA2 7AY (UK)
The potential to coordinate via a s or p interaction made
the benzyl (PhCH2 ) anion appear attractive for such a
[b] Dr. A. R. Kennedy, Prof. R. E. Mulvey, Dr. S. D. Robertson
WestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XL (UK)
Fax : (+44)141-548-4787
quest. While PhCH2Li has been shown to exist as a mono-
mer in the presence of either the tridentate cyclic donor
N,N’,N’’-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane (Me3TACN)[15] or
the mixed donor system N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl-1,2-ethylene-
diamine/tetrahydrofuran (TMEDA/THF),[16] the real chal-
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 3364 – 3369
ꢀ 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim