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 Five Kinds of Food Help People Prevent the Skin Allergy in Spring
  • Five Kinds of Food Help People Prevent the Skin Allergy in Spring
  • In spring, various skin problems may take place, such as dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and urticaria. People may be troubled by various symptoms caused by these problems, such as pruritus and inflammation. In order to deal with the problems and symptoms, it is necessary for people to know quite well about their own causes, physical constitutions and symptoms. In spring, many skin problems are caused by floating dust, bacteria, pollen, changeable weather and dryness. Some people should keep far from the allergen like pollen. At the same time, people should improve the internal organs to prevent the problems. Generally speaking, five dietary skills can help people prevent the skin allergy in spring. 

    The first food is the tea made of cordate houttuynia and red jujubes. Cordate houttuynia can remove the internal heat and toxins from the human body, and the red jujubes can nourish the blood and improve the quality of red cells so as to improve the allergic physical constitution and nourish the skin.

    The second food is the rib soup. Pork contains abundant which can improve the dryness and nourish the human skin. It is beneficial for people to drink the soup in spring. According to the research, the best cooking way of pork is to cook rib soup with carrot or kelp so as to decrease the absorption of cholesterol for the human body.

    The third food is tuchahoe milk. Tuchahoe milk plays important roles in strengthening the spleen and deferring the aging. It can also deal with the blains in spring. It can be made of 10 grams of tuchahoe powder, 200 milliliters of milk and a moderate amount of white sugar. People can drink it during the limosis in the morning.

    The fourth food is carrot. Carrot contains abundant beta-carotene which can be transformed into vitamin A inside the human body. Vitamin A can protect the epidermis of the skin to maintain the elasticity and glossiness. The lack of vitamin A can even cause dryness and aging of the skin.

    The fifth food is honey. In spring, it is easy for people to lose water from the body. People can supplement water by drinking a cup of honey water in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, honey can relax the bowels, prevent the cold and remove the toxins for the human body. What’s more, the adequate intake of honey can help people deal with asthma and pruritus.

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