atom bombardment at the Laboratoire de spectrométrie de
Masse Bioinorganique in Strasbourg, France. Elemental
analyses were carried out by the microanalysis service at Paris
VI University and at the Institut de Chimie des Substances
Naturelles (Gif-sur-Yvette, France). The crystal structure was
solved by the X-ray service of Paris VI University.
6.75 and 6.73 (2 H, d, J = 7.5 Hz, H3, H3Ј), 4.32 and 4.26 (2 H,
br s, H22, H22Ј), 4.18–3.87 (6 H, m, CH2 , CH27Ј, H24 and H24Ј),
3.23 (2 H, m, H24, H24Ј) and 1.9–1.2 (12 H, m, CH225, CH2
CH227, CH225Ј, CH226Ј, CH227Ј). The signals at δ 6.73 and 4.32
refer to diastereoisomer A and those at 6.75 and 4.26 to B.
6,6Ј-Bis(2,2-diphenyl-2-sulfanylethyl)-2,2Ј-bipyridine (H2L).
To a suspension of compound V (3 g) in ethyl acetate (80 cm3)
and methanol (60 cm3) was added a solution of AgNO3 (1.5 g,
2.5 equivalents) in pyridine (1 cm3) and methanol (100 cm3).
The solid material dissolved immediately and the solution
became yellow. After 5 h at room temperature the solvent was
removed under vacuum yielding a yellow powder. The material
was dissolved in deaerated dichloromethane (50 cm3) and H2S
bubbled through the solution. The black precipitate was filtered
off and washed with dichloromethane. The combined filtrates
were washed with water and the aqueous layer extracted with
ether. The combined organic layers were dried over MgSO4 and
the solvent was removed to yield 1.91 g (92%) of the product as
a white powder, m.p. 202 ЊC (Found: C, 78.47; H, 5.6; N, 4.7.
Calc. for C38H32N2S2: C, 78.6; H, 5.56; N, 4.82%). Mass spec-
trum (CI ϩ NH3): m/z 581 (Mϩ, 56), 547 (12, M Ϫ SH Ϫ 1),
383 [17, M Ϫ (C6H5)2CSH ϩ 1], 199 (100, M Ϫ CH2bipyCH2)
and 183 [10%, M Ϫ 2(C6H5)2CSH ϩ 1]. 1H NMR, [(CD3)2SO]:
δ 7.72 (2 H, d, J = 7.5, H5, H5Ј), 7.55 (2 H, t, J = 7.5 Hz, H4, H4Ј),
7.45–7.3 (8 H, m, o-H of Ph), 7.3–7.15 (12 H, m, m- and p-H
of Ph), 6.79 (2 H, d, H3 and H3Ј), 4.1 (2 H, br s, 2 SH) and 4.05
A selected crystal of [FeL(Cl)] 1 [H2L = 6,6Ј-bis(2,2-diphenyl-2-
sulfanyl ethyl)-2,2Ј-bipyridine] was set up on a four-circle
Enraf-Nonius CAD4 diffractometer. Graphite-monochrom-
atized Mo-Kα radiation (λ 0.710 69 Å) was used. Unit-cell
dimensions with estimated standard deviations were obtained
from least-squares refinements of the setting angles of 25 well
centered reflections. Two standard reflections were monitored
periodically and showed no change during data collection.
Crystallographic data and other information is summarized in
Table 1. Corrections were made for Lorentz-polarization effects.
Computations were performed by using the personal computer
version of CRYSTALS.19 Atomic form factors for neutral Fe, S,
Cl, N, C and H were taken from ref. 20. Real and imaginary
parts of anomalous dispersion were taken into account. The
structure was solved by direct methods (SHELXS)21 and
successive Fourier maps. Only some hydrogens could be found
on difference maps, so they were all geometrically located and
given an overall isotropic thermal parameter. Owing to the
small number of reflections, only Fe, S and Cl atoms were
anisotropically refined. Full-matrix least-square refinements
were carried out by minimizing the function Σw(|Fo| Ϫ |Fc|)2
where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure fac-
tors. Models reached convergence with R = Σ( Fo| Ϫ |Fc )/Σ|Fo|
(4 H, s, CH2 , CH27Ј). The resonance at δ 4.1 disappeared upon
addition of D2O.
chloroiron(III) 1. A solution of H2L (100 mg, 0.172 mmol, 1
equivalent), freshly prepared by deprotection of compound V,
in anhydrous dmf (10 cm3), was added under argon to a suspen-
sion of sodium hydride (8.2 mg, 2 equivalents) in anhydrous
dmf (10 cm3). The solid material dissolved within 15 min at
room temperature. A solution of FeCl3 (27.9 mg, 1 equivalent)
in anhydrous dmf (5 cm3) was then added under argon. A deep
red solution was obtained. The mixture was stirred for 1 h at
room temperature under argon and then exposed to the air. The
volume was then reduced to about 10 cm3. Addition of this
solution to ether (100 cm3) led to the precipitation of a brown
powder, which was filtered off and washed with ether. The
powder complex was dissolved in anhydrous CH2Cl2, in which
the NaCl salt formed during the metal insertion was insoluble
and thus removed by filtration. The solvent was then slowly
evaporated to yield 70 mg (60%) of complex 1 as black
microcrystals (Found: C, 67.98; H, 4.59; Cl, 5.53; N, 4.05;
S, 9.53. Calc. for C38H30ClFeN2S2: C, 68.11; H, 4.51; N, 4.18;
Cl, 5.29; S, 9.57%). Mass spectrum (FABϩ): m/z 634, (76,
FeN2S2Cl Ϫ Cl), 601 (67, FeN2S2Cl Ϫ Cl Ϫ HS) and 570
(100%, FeN2S2Cl Ϫ Cl Ϫ 2S).
2 ¹
and RЈ = [Σw(|Fo| Ϫ |Fc|) /Σw(Fo) ] = 0.060 and 0.070. Criteria
for a satisfactory complete analysis were the ratio of the root-
mean-square shift to standard deviation being less than 0.2 and
no significant feature in the last difference map.
CCDC reference number 186/870.
Diphenylmethanethiol I was synthesized according to the
procedure described by Klenk et al.22 Thiol I was protected
according to the procedure described by Berg and Holm,23
giving III. 6,6ЈBis-(bromomethyl)-2,2Ј-bipyridine II was syn-
thesized according to a previously described procedure.24–26
2,2Ј-bipyridine V. A solution of compound III (650 mg, 2.3
mmol) in anhydrous diethyl ether (10 cm3) was cooled to
Ϫ78 ЊC and 2.5 LiBun in hexane (0.9 cm3) added dropwise.
The reaction mixture was allowed to warm to 0 ЊC over 1 h and
then cooled again to Ϫ78 ЊC. A solution of 6,6Ј-bis(bromo-
methyl)-2,2Ј-bipyridine (342 mg, 1 mmol) in thf (20 cm3) and
P(NMe2)3O (2 cm3), was added dropwise yielding a lightening
of the reaction mixture from brown to yellow. The mixture was
allowed to warm to 0 ЊC over 4 h and then added to water. The
organic layer was set apart and the aqueous layer extracted with
ethyl acetate (3 × 20 cm3). The combined organic layers were
dried over Na2SO4, and the solvent removed to give a yellowish
oil which crystallized after addition of acetone. The product
was filtered off and washed with methanol to afford 612 mg
(80%) of a 1:1 mixture of diastereoisomers A and B. Recrystal-
lization of the product from a CH2Cl2–MeOH mixture afforded
540 mg of a 3:2 mixture of A and B. Any further recrystalliz-
ation enriched the mixture in diastereoisomer A. M.p. 198–
200 ЊC (A:B = 3:2) (Found: C, 77.09; H, 6.31; N, 3.58. Calc. for
C48H48N2O2S2: C, 76.98; H, 6.46; N, 3.74%). Mass spectrum
(CI ϩ NH3): m/z 749 (Mϩ, 72), 663 (5, M Ϫ C5H9O Ϫ 1) and
bipyridinato]iron(III)} 2. To a solution of complex 1 (25 mg) in
anhydrous CH2Cl2 (10 cm3) was added under argon 1
tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (37.3 µl) in methanol. Complex
2 precipitated as a brown powder, which was filtered off and
washed with water, yield 70% (Found: C, 68.41; H, 5.03;
N, 4.01; S, 9.33. Calc. for C76H60Fe2N4OS4ؒ2H2O: C, 69.09;
H, 4.85; N, 4.24; S, 9.67%). Mass spectrum (FABϩ): m/z
1269 (20, Fe2N4S4O Ϫ O ϩ 1), 1236 (6, Fe2N4S4O Ϫ O Ϫ S),
634 (30, FeN2S2), 601 (100, FeN2S2 Ϫ HS) and 568 (60%,
FeN2S2 Ϫ 2HS).
Reversibility of complex 2 formation
The addition of NBu4OH in dmf at room temperature directly,
in the electrochemical cell, UV cuvette or NMR tube, to com-
plex 1 at the concentration required for each spectroscopic
technique was carried out. Then trifluoroacetic acid (tfa) was
180 [100%, M Ϫ 2(C6H5)2CSC5H9O Ϫ2]. The H NMR spec-
trum (CDCl3) indicated the presence of two diastereoisomers:
δ 7.62–7.55 (4 H, m, H4, H4Ј, H5, H5Ј), 7.26–7.11 (20 H, m, Ph),
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1998, Pages 991–998