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Base Information Edit
  • Chemical Name:Urea
  • CAS No.:57-13-6
  • Deprecated CAS:30535-50-3,860639-56-1,118548-06-4,1202865-46-0,1228376-38-2,1637232-71-3,2060607-07-8,923953-70-2,1262769-89-0,2417243-36-6,2694035-40-8,173994-65-5,174693-33-5,173144-80-4,175276-38-7,118548-06-4,1202865-46-0,1228376-38-2
  • Molecular Formula:CH4N2O
  • Molecular Weight:60.0556
  • Hs Code.:31021010
  • European Community (EC) Number:200-315-5,682-045-1
  • ICSC Number:0595
  • NSC Number:757375,34375
  • UNII:8W8T17847W
  • DSSTox Substance ID:DTXSID4021426
  • Nikkaji Number:J2.322A
  • Wikipedia:Urea
  • Wikidata:Q48318
  • NCI Thesaurus Code:C29531
  • RXCUI:11002
  • Pharos Ligand ID:QX6CAGTLSFJ7
  • Metabolomics Workbench ID:37188
  • Mol file:57-13-6.mol


Suppliers and Price of Urea
Supply Marketing:Edit
Business phase:
The product has achieved commercial mass production*data from LookChem market partment
Manufacturers and distributors:
  • Manufacture/Brand
  • Chemicals and raw materials
  • Packaging
  • price
  • Usbiological
  • Urea
  • 100g
  • $ 33.00
  • TRC
  • Urea
  • 10g
  • $ 120.00
  • Tocris
  • Urea ≥99%
  • 1KG
  • $ 64.00
  • TCI Chemical
  • Urea >99.0%(N)
  • 300g
  • $ 49.00
  • TCI Chemical
  • Urea [for Biochemical Research] >99.0%(N)
  • 25g
  • $ 31.00
  • TCI Chemical
  • Urea [for Biochemical Research] >99.0%(N)
  • 5g
  • $ 21.00
  • SynQuest Laboratories
  • Urea
  • 25 g
  • $ 15.00
  • SynQuest Laboratories
  • Urea
  • 100 g
  • $ 25.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Urea BioXtra, pH 7.5-9.5 (20 °C, 5 M in H2O)
  • 1kg
  • $ 146.00
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • Urea for electrophoresis
  • 1kg
  • $ 143.00
Total 635 raw suppliers
Chemical Property of Urea Edit
Chemical Property:
  • Appearance/Colour:white solid 
  • Vapor Pressure:<0.1 hPa (20 °C) 
  • Melting Point:131-135 °C 
  • Refractive Index:n20/D 1.40  
  • Boiling Point:196.611 °C at 760 mmHg 
  • PKA:0.10(at 25℃) 
  • Flash Point:72.708 °C 
  • PSA:69.11000 
  • Density:1.32 g/cm3 
  • LogP:0.42440 
  • Storage Temp.:2-8°C 
  • Solubility.:H2O: 8 M at 20 °C 
  • Water Solubility.:1080 g/L (20 ºC) 
  • XLogP3:-1.4
  • Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:2
  • Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count:1
  • Rotatable Bond Count:0
  • Exact Mass:60.032362755
  • Heavy Atom Count:4
  • Complexity:29

46%-48% *data from raw suppliers

Urea *data from reagent suppliers

Safty Information:
  • Pictogram(s): IrritantXi,HarmfulXn 
  • Hazard Codes:Xn,Xi 
  • Statements: 36/37/38-40-38 
  • Safety Statements: 26-36-24/25-37 
MSDS Files:

SDS file from LookChem

Total 1 MSDS from other Authors

  • Chemical Classes:Nitrogen Compounds -> Other Nitrogen Compounds
  • Canonical SMILES:C(=O)(N)N
  • Recent ClinicalTrials:Urea for Chronic Hyponatremia
  • Recent EU Clinical Trials:Urea treatment of hyponatremia during subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Recent NIPH Clinical Trials:Phase I/II clinical trial of verification for the safety and efficacy of Amitose-Bis-glyceryl ascorbate-containing cream in renal cell carcinoma patients treated by sunitinib
  • Inhalation Risk:Evaporation at 20 °C is negligible; a nuisance-causing concentration of airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly , especially if powdered.
  • Effects of Short Term Exposure:The substance is irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
  • Effects of Long Term Exposure:Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause dermatitis.
  • Chemical Composition and Industrial Synthesis Urea, with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2, is synthesized industrially through two consecutive processes: the synthesis of ammonia (N2 + H2 鈫? NH3) followed by the reaction of ammonia with carbon dioxide (NH3 + CO2 鈫? urea). This process traditionally requires high pressure and elevated temperatures, leading to high energy consumption and ammonia consumption.
  • Applications in Fertilizer and Industry Urea serves as a crucial chemical compound in fertilizer production, supporting around 27% of the world's population through nitrogen fertilizers. Additionally, it is used as a feedstock in fuel cell systems. The traditional synthetic protocol for urea suffers from high energy input and ammonia consumption, prompting the exploration of alternative methods such as electrocatalytic urea synthesis.
  • Historical Significance and Medical Applications Urea, also known as carbamide, was first discovered in urine in 1773 by Hilaire Rouelle and later artificially synthesized from inorganic precursors in 1828 by Friedrich W枚hler. In dermatology, urea plays a vital role in maintaining skin hydration and has been used for over a century in various topical preparations for treating conditions like xerosis, atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, and psoriasis. It possesses antibacterial and proteolytic properties, making it useful for wound treatment.
  • Renewable Energy Infrastructure and Fuel Cells Urea oxidation reaction (UOR) is significant for developing a renewable energy infrastructure. Urea electrolysis (UE) offers a cost-effective method for hydrogen production compared to water electrolysis, requiring theoretically 93% less energy. Urea can also be utilized as a fuel in direct urea fuel cells (DUFCs), serving as an efficient hydrogen carrier.
  • Electrocatalytic Synthesis The electrocatalytic coupling of carbon dioxide and nitrogen sources presents a promising alternative for urea synthesis, bypassing the need for the ammonia synthesis step. This approach optimizes two industrial steps with high energy consumption and pollution into a single renewable energy-driven electrocatalytic process.
  • Challenges in Ammonia Separation and Purification Urea is a downstream product of ammonia, and the separation and purification of ammonia from aqueous media for subsequent urea synthesis face significant challenges. These challenges include technological hurdles in the separation process.
Technology Process of Urea

There total 790 articles about Urea which guide to synthetic route it. The literature collected by LookChem mainly comes from the sharing of users and the free literature resources found by Internet computing technology. We keep the original model of the professional version of literature to make it easier and faster for users to retrieve and use. At the same time, we analyze and calculate the most feasible synthesis route with the highest yield for your reference as below:

synthetic route:
Guidance literature:
With dmap; dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide; In diethyl ether; at 0 - 20 ℃;

Reference yield: 80.0%

Guidance literature:
With [OsCl26-p-cymene)(PMe2OH)]; water; at 40 ℃; for 0.25h; Reagent/catalyst; Inert atmosphere; Sealed tube;
Guidance literature:
With oxygen; N,N-dimethyl-formamide; sodium iodide; palladium dichloride; at 125 ℃; for 2h; under 30003 Torr; Pressure; Reagent/catalyst; Autoclave; Inert atmosphere;
Refernces Edit
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