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 Bad Foods Cause Premature Senility
  • Bad Foods Cause Premature Senility
  • Senility is the result of natural law. When people become older and older, various problems like decreasing elasticity of skin and the formation of wrinkles may be caused. Various diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes can also be caused to accelerate the aging. Although there are many factors to cause the premature senility, the dietary habit is one of the most important reasons to explain the aging. Bad foods can seriously cause the premature senility for people. 

    The foods which have gone bad contain the toxins secreted by the bacteria. If people eat these foods, the metabolism can be disturbed and the normal functions of the human tissues can be seriously affected. For example, the patulin contained in rotten fruits can palsy the human nerves and decrease the functions of kidney to induce the aging. The toxins like aflatoxin in some bad foods can even induce cancer. It is necessary for people to eat the fresh foods in daily life as far as possible.

    The foods containing alcohol can hurt the liver and the nervous system. They can even decrease the male sexual abilities, disturb the female menstruation and reduce the sexual desire. Therefore, people should not drink the wine containing high content of alcohol. They can drink grape wine, beer or yellow wine in a moderate amount. The intake amount of drinking among men should be less than 25 grams and that among women should be less than 15 grams.

    The foods containing too much aluminum can destroy the functions of DNA inside the nerve cells and block transmission of nerve, which can affect the intelligence, decrease the memory and cause dementia. The oily food and puffed food contain alum (aluminum sulfate), so people should avoid such foods in daily life. In addition, the aluminum cookers should not be used to store acidic foods.

    Oil-fried foods and smoked foods are cooked in high temperature. Vitamins contained in them have already been destroyed. For example, vitamin B1 and riboflavin contained in oil-fried foods can be destroyed by 43% and 38% respectively. The lack of vitamins can seriously affect the metabolism inside the human body to accelerate the aging. what’s more, protein and fat can be transformed intocarcinogenic compounds like benzopyrene. If people often eat the foods containing carcinogenic substances in daily life, the premature aging can be caused. Therefore, people should decrease the intake of oily foods and smoked foods. When they eat such foods, they should eat some fruits and vegetables to alleviate the danger.

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