7787-60-2Relevant articles and documents
The pseudobinary systems Bi2Ch3-Bix3 and the ternary phases on their boundary lines (Ch = S, Se, Te; X = Cl, Br, I), I: Bismuth sulfide halides
Oppermann, Heinrich,Petasch, Uwe
, p. 725 - 740 (2003)
The phase diagrams of the systems Bi2S3-BiX 3 were constructed from results of DTA and total pressure measurements and x-ray analysis. The phases: BiSCl, Bi4S 5Cl2 and Bi19S
New routes to transition metal-carbido species: Synthesis and characterization of the carbon-centered trigonal prismatic clusters [W 6CCl18]n- (n = 1, 2, 3)
Welch, Eric J.,Crawford, Nathan R. M.,Bergman, Robert G.,Long, Jeffrey R.
, p. 11464 - 11465 (2003)
Simultaneous reduction of WCl6 and CCl4 with bismuth metal at 400 °C affords a black solid, from which the new cluster [W6CCl18]2- is extracted into aqueous HCl. The cluster is isolated in 34% yield as (Bu4N)2[W6CCl18] and features a metal-metal bonded W6 trigonal prism centered by a carbon atom and surrounded by 12 edge-bridging and 6 terminal chloride ligands. A cyclic voltammogram of [W6CCl18]2- in DMF shows the cluster undergoes two reduction and two oxidation processes, suggesting five chemically accessible redox states. Consistent with this extensive electrochemistry, DFT calculations on the diamagnetic [W6CCl18]2- species reveal closely spaced frontier orbitals, with an a2″ HOMO situated 0.61 and 0.71 eV below unoccupied e″ and e′ orbitals, respectively. Oxidation of the cluster by a single equivalent of NO+ gives [W6CCl18]1-); which, as expected on the basis of the [W6CCl18]2- HOMO character, possesses a less elongated W6 trigonal prism. Reduction of [W6CCl18]2- with a single equivalent of cobaltocene affords [W6CCl18]2- wherein population of a low-lying e′ orbital leads to a significant Jahn-Teller distortion. Copyright
In-situ study of the solid-gas reaction of biCl3 to biOCl via the intermediate hydrate biCl3·H2O
Wosylus, Aron,Hoffmann, Stefan,Schmidt, Marcus,Ruck, Michael
, p. 1469 - 1471 (2010)
At ambient conditions the hydrolysis of BiCl3 to BiOCl proceeds via the intermediate hydrate: BiCl3-H2O as has been revealed by fimo dependent in-situ X-ray powdor diffraclion as well as time; and temperature controlled TG-MS experiments. Below 50 °C the topochemical formation of the hydrate can be reversed by reduciny the H2O vapour pressure. Above this temperature the hydrate is unstable and the mechanism of the hydrolysis changes. BiCl3·H2O crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/m with lattice parameters a = 1114.25(1) pm, b = 876.82(1) pm, C = 584.20(1) pm, and β = 106.64(1)°.
Constitutional isomerism of BiW6Cl15: (BiCl)[W 6Cl14] and (BiCl2)[W6Cl 13]
Stroebele, Markus,Meyer, H.-Juergen
, p. 1517 - 1519 (2009)
The compound (BiCl)[W6Cl14] was previously characterized as a product of the reduction of tungsten hexachloride with elemental bismuth. Another modification of BiW6Cl15 is now presented as (BiCl2)[Ws
Reactions of Chlorine with Liquid Metals. 3. Bismuth
Balooch, M.,Siekhaus, W. J.,Olander, D. R.
, p. 1671 - 1676 (1986)
The reaction of molecular chlorine with solid and liquid bismuth was studied by modulated molecular beam-mass spectrometric methods over temperature range 400-800 K and equivalent chlorine pressures of 5 * 10-6-2 * 10-4 torr.The sole reaction product with solid Bi(0001) was BiCl3.This species disappeared at the melting point.The molecular beam data collected on the trichloride product exhibited nonlinearity and evidence of both branched and series processes in the mechanism.These results, in conjunction with data obtained in a prior investigation of the system by thermal desorption spectroscopy, permitted development of a model of the reaction on the surface of the solid.With liquid bismuth, only BiCl was detected as reaction product.Its reaction probability increased with temperature, most likely because of a corresponding increase in the chlorine sticking probability.The 45 deg phase lag exhibited by this species indicated that the kinetics were dominated by solution and diffusion of chlorine in the bulk liquid bismuth.
Investigations on the pseudobinary system Bi2Se3/BiCl3
, p. 169 - 173 (1997)
The phase diagram of the pseudobinary system Bi2Se3/BiCl3 was investigated by DTA, total pressure measurements and x-ray phase analysis. The two ternary phases BiSeCl and Bi8Se9Cl6 melt inc
Syntheses, properties and crystal structures of the cluster salts Bi 6[PtBi6Cl12] and Bi2/3[PtBi 6Cl12]
Hampel, Silke,Ruck, Michael
, p. 1150 - 1156 (2006)
Melting reactions of Bi with Pt and BiCl3 yield shiny black, air insensitive crystals of the subchlorides Bi6[PtBi6Cl 12] and Bi2/3[PtBi6Cl12]. Despite the substantial difference in the bismuth content the two compounds have almost the same pseudo-cubic unit cell and follow the structural principle of a CsCl type cluster salt. Bi6[PtBi6Cl12] consists of cuboctahedral [PtBi6Cl12]2- clusters and Bi62+ polycations (a = 9.052(2) A, α = 89.88(2)°, space group P1, multiple twins). In the electron precise cluster anion, the Pt atom (18 electron count) centers an octahedron of Bi atoms whose edges are bridged by chlorine atoms. The Bi62+ cation, a nido cluster with 16 skeletal electrons, has the shape of a distorted octahedron with an opened edge. In Bi2/3[PtBi6Cl12] the anion charge is compensated by weakly coordinating Bi3+ cations which are distributed statistically over two crystallographic positions (a = 9.048(2) A, α = 90.44(3)°, space group R3). Bi 6[PtBi6Cl12] is a semiconductor with a band gap of about 0.1 eV. The compound is diamagnetic at room temperature though a small paramagnetic contribution appears towards lower temperature.
Solution-phase template approach for the synthesis of Cu2S nanoribbons
Li, Zhengquan,Yang, Huan,Ding, Yue,Xiong, Yujie,Xie, Yi
, p. 149 - 151 (2006)
In this paper, we have developed a solution-phase template approach to synthesize Cu2S nanoribbons for the first time. Bi2S 3 nanoribbons act as both template and reactant when treated with small CuCl particles, generating Cu2S nanoribbons with the assistance of the solvent ethanol. Nanoribbons with different compositions of Bi 2S3 and Cu2S also could be obtained through controlling the reaction time. This kind of template method is expected to be a general template approach due to its slow reaction rate and simplicity. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006.
Synthesis, structure and properties of the first hybrid Bi 2Cl93- supramolecular compound based on macrocyclic rotator-stator assembly
Peng, Yan-Hong,Sun, Shao-Fa
, p. 29 - 32 (2012)
The first hybrid Bi(III) supramolecular compound based on organic ammonium and 18-crown-6, [(4-FBNH3)3·(18-crown-6) 3·(Bi2Cl9)] (1), has been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, IR, XRPD and 1H NMR (4-FBNH3 = 4-fluorobenzenaminium). The Bi(III) centers were chelated through three μ2-Cl donors to form a macro-anion (Bi2Cl9)3- unit. And the rotator-stator assembly, [(4-FBNH3)·(18-crown-6)]+, was formed by the 4-FBNH3+ cation inserting into the crown ether through strong NH...O H-bonding interactions. The large anions and rotator-stator cations were alternately stacked together to build the supramolecular functional compound. In addition, the thermal analysis and luminescent properties were investigated.
Facile reduction of early transition metal halides with nonconventional, mild reductants (see abstract)
Hay, Daniel N.T.,Adams, Juan A.,Carpenter, Jason,DeVries, Stephanie L.,Domyancich, John,Dumser, Bruce,Goldsmith, Shawn,Kruse, Melissa A.,Leone, Angela,Moussavi-Harami, Farid,O'Brien, Jennifer A.,Pfaffly, Jennifer R.,Sylves, Michael,Taravati, Parisa,Thomas, Jacob L.,Tiernan, Breck,Messerle, Louis
, p. 644 - 648 (2004)
Reduction of MoCl5 with Bi in a sealed borosilicate ampule at 350°C, followed by sublimation of by-product BiCl3 and addition of aqueous hydrochloric acid, yielded chloromolybdic acid, (H3O) 2Mo6(μ3-Cl)8Cl 6·6H2O, in 80% yield (unoptimized) after double recrystallization. Chloromolybdic acid was thermolyzed to Mo6Cl 12 in 95% yield.